"The stormwater and central business district activities are where the community will feel the most significant change, if the draft proposal is adopted," says Monique Davidson, council chief executive.
The council is proposing that stormwater be 80–90 per cent privately funded, collected through a targeted rate from those within stormwater catchment areas, and the remainder through the capital value based general rate.
Currently, stormwater targeted rates are levied off properties within the Waipawa / Waipukurau catchment areas and are spread based on capital value. With the growth of the district, council now supplies some stormwater in Takapau and Otane and this is going to increase in the future. Therefore council proposes stormwater rating areas be increased to include these towns, with a rates differential applied to account for the quality of stormwater assets available.
At present the commercial and industrial properties in the main townships pay the same level of general rates as residential properties.
Although businesses in the central business district pay the same, they receive additional benefits such as wider footpaths, more rubbish bins, on-street parking for customers and additional landscaping in pocket gardens. So the council is proposing a commercial/industrial rates differential. "Our proposed approach to each of the five activities would mean that rates reduce in some areas and increase in others," says Ms Davidson.
"Council is consulting on the Proposed Revenue and Financing Policy now, so we can model rating in the upcoming 2021–2031 Long Term Plan."
Any changes will come into effect on July 1, 2021.
The draft Revenue and Financing Policy can be read at www.chbdc.govt.nz by searching #RatesReview.
The community can have their say between until September 23 by completing an online submission form available on the council website: www.chbdc.govt.nz and search #, by a written submission, or requesting a form from the council office, Waipawa Library or Waipukura Pop-up Service Centre.
Those who make a submission can speak at a public hearing.
The council intends to hold several public events, to be confirmed after Covid-19 level 2 restrictions ease.