Central Hawke's Bay District Council will spend $68.5 million on wastewater treatment plants, as part of its 2021 – 2031 Long Term Plan.
The spend was confirmed at yesterday's full council meeting, ahead of the adoption of the council's Long Term Plan on June 17.
In 2016 the council was prosecuted by the Hawke's Bay Regional Council, with enforcement orders from the Environment Court put in place for failed wastewater treatment plants in Waipawa and Waipukurau.
The failures came despite more than $10m of investment in the two wastewater treatment plants, which failed to make any improvement to wastewater discharges.
The upcoming $68.5m expenditure includes the building of a "mega-plant" to pipe wastewater from Otane, Waipawa and Waipukurau for treatment and land-based discharge at a Waipawa site. Upgrades will also be made to Pōrangahau, Te Paerahi and Takapau to improve treatment and remove discharges from waterways.