Steers: R3, V Tuuta, Chatham Island, six here-cross, av weight, 453kg, 272c/kg, $1235/head.
R2, Seaview Station, Patoka, 24 ang, av weight, 488kg, 313c/kg, $1530/head; 17 the same, av weight, 441kg, 328kg, 328c/kg, $1450/head; C Edwards, Maraekakaho, nine ang and ang-here, av weight, 455kg, 315c/kg, $1435/head; Duffin Holdings, Waipukurau, eight ang, av weight, 417kg, 324c/kg, $1355/head; C Lee, Waipawa, five4 ang-cross, av weight, 352kg, 281c/kg, $990/head; Ludeman Horticulture, Dartmoor, five here-cross, av weight, 361kg, 281c/kg, $1015/head. R1, Makino P/ship, Dannevirke, 10 ang, av weight, 219c/kg, 420c/kg, $920/head; Montdale Farm, Glengarry Rd, nine here-cross, av weight, 290kg, 344c/kg, $1000/head; Clifton Station, Clifton, four ang, av weight, 188kg, 476c/kg, $900/head.
Bulls: R2, Awahuri Pastoral, Ohiti, 25 fries, av weight, 459kg, 294c/kg, $1350/head; R Paine, Raukawa, 23 fries, av weight, 395kg, 311c/kg, $1230/head; Duffin Holdings, Waipukurau, 16 fries, av weight, 475kg, 282c/kg, $1340/head; Glengyle Station, Tuai, 34 fries, av weight, 446kg, 292c/kg, $1305/head; 28 the same, av weight, 410kg, 284c/kg, $1165/head; 18 ang, av weight, 409kg, 292c/kg, $1195/head; I and P Reube, Te Awa Rd, nine fries, av weight, 453kg, 286c/kg, $1300/head; V Tuuta, Chatham Island, nine ang-here, av weight, 260kg, 269c/kg, $700/head; nine the same, av weight, 351kg, 262c/kg, $920/head; CJM, Chatham Island, 17 here-cross, av weight, 283kg, 251c/kg, $710/head; K Lanauze, Chatham Island, eight here, av weight, 428kg, 257c/kg, $1100/head; 12 shthrn-cross, av weight, 316kg, 252c/kg, $800/head; Muirson Farming, Chatham Island, six crossbred, av weight, 198kg, 292c/kg, $580/head. R1, K Lanauze, Chatham Island, 12 here, av weight, 212kg, 277c/kg, $590/head; Muirson Farming, Chatham Island, six sth dev-cross, av weight, 149kg, 335c/kg, $500/head; V Tuuta, Chatham Island, six ang-here, av weight, 169kg, 295c/kg, $500/head.
Heifers: Tukemokihi Station, Wairoa, 15 R3 ang and ang-here, av eight, 422kg, 276c/kg, $1170/head. R2, Muirson Farming, Chatham Island, 11 simm-cross, av weight, 290kg, 278c/kg, $810/head; G Cooper, Tamumu, eight here-cross, av weight, 382kg, 261c/kg, $1000/head; Glenrich P/ship, Tikokino, eight here-fries, av weight, 396kg, 275c/kg, $1090/head. R1, N and J McMIllan, Ridgemount, 30 here, (CS) av weight, 278kg, 329c/kg, $915/head; Parkwith Farm, Ongaonga, 10 here-fries, av weight, 164kg, 384c/kg, $630/head; Clifton Station, Clifton, seven ang, av weight, 166kg, 402c/kg, $670/head.
Ewes: Windrush P/ship, Whanawhana, 10 m/a, rwr, $122; R Kells, Eskdale, 10 m/a, rwr, $102.50; Glengyle Station, Wairoa, 28 m/a, rwr, $95.
Lambs: R Hunt, Bennett Rd, 123 ewe, $99.50; 27 ewe, $93.50; K and J Farquharson, Puketitiri, 155 ewe, $97.50; 202 ewe, $92; 33 ewe, $84; Moananui Farm, Bay View, 285 ewe, $98; Falomai P/ship, Patoka, 60 b/f ewe, $105; 66 b/f ram, $108.50; Mangataura Station, Wakarara, 102 ewe, $99; 100 b/f ewe, $97.50; 130 ewe, $93.50; 143 ewe, $85; 70 b/f ewe, $87.50; Wedd Farming, Puketitiri, 96 ewe, $100.50; 58 c/o, $108; 56 ewe, $100; Beckford Holdings, Makaretu, 96 c/o, $107; T Anderson, Ngatarawa, 75 male b/f, $103; 49 b/f ewe, $100.50; 148 ewe, $92.50; 85 ewe, $69; 54 male, $85; M Dalziell, Nuhaka, 43 ram, $91; 42 ewe, $71; Te Ngaio, Porangahau, 33 c/o, $90; Seaview Station, Patoka, 65 m/s, $103; Tukemokihi Station, Wairoa, 41 m/s, $79.
Prime sale
All classes of stock sold strongly at Monday's prime sale.
In fact, two very heavy ewes reached what is believed to be a record price of $174.50. They were sold by a Meeanee vendor.
Although the rest of the ewe offering did not reach such heights only a few of the pens on offer made less than $100. The next best price was $126 for a small pen of woolly ewes and wethers. A good-quality lamb yarding also rose with one pen of black-face ram lambs making $166 and another $158.50.
The cattle yarding of 54 head was also of top quality with the best of the angus oxen making $3.19/kg and one 680kg angus-hereford ox making $2040/head.
Oxen: (Ang, ang-here) av weight, 499kg to 680kg, 300c/kg to 319c/kg, $1592/head to $2040/head.
Bulls: (Ang), weight, 554kg, 214c/kg, $1517/head.
Heifers: (Ang) Av weight, 498kg, 600kg, 279c/kg, 283c/kg, $1390/head, $1698/head.
Ewes: Shorn, heavy, $111 to $115; good, $102 to $110; med, $99. Slipe, heavy, $112, $113; med, $91. Woolly, good, $107, $126, med, $102.
Lambs: Male, $110 to $142; b/f, $106 to $166. Ewe, $94.50 to $133.50; b/f, $120 to $114. M/s, $19 to $139.