Hawke's Bay Foundation's funding round for 2018 is now open, and local community groups in need of "a hand up" are urged to apply.
Last year the foundation granted $121,500 to 47 local grassroots groups, and Hawke's Bay Foundation chairwoman Jules Nowell-Usticke said the foundation hoped to distribute even more this year.
"Our overall aim is to put the 'community' back into the community and in turn create a thriving region," she said.
"The foundation sets out to provide assistance to support groups and communities that are working towards meeting their own needs and have sustainability when the foundation funding ceases. Priority is given to organisations working in the heart of the community using support from volunteers, rather than large well-funded service providers and organisations."
Nowell-Usticke said the foundation was looking to provide groups "with a hand up not a handout", and to provide assistance for groups to become more sustainable on their own.