A new era in Hawke's Bay-Wairarapa iwi leadership was ushered in on Friday with a powhiri for the incoming Ngati Kahungunu board with only the second chairman since the modern-day board was established almost three decades ago.
More than 200 people were at the ceremony at Hastings marae Waipatu, home marae of recently voted-out long-term first iwi chairman Ngahiwi Tomoana, as successor Bayden Barber was called on with Orini Gillies, of his own Waimarama Marae.
With tangata whenua, Tomoana would sit in an off-white suit and open collar, guitar as always close at hand. Across the marae atea Barber was cloaked in a muka korowai offered by cousin and iwi director of te reo Jeremy Tatere McLeod, made in Taihape a decade or so ago of the finest flax fibre and worn by him at his own doctoral graduation.
Eminent Kahungunu academic Sir Timoti Karetu would later speak on the marae atea on behalf of Barber, whose piece would be left till afterwards, as the board took its place in front of the wharenui for group photos.