There's been much happening in our Rangatahi worlds here at Tararua Community Youth Services with a range of amazing activities, programmes, connections that have formed great relationships leading to youth development at many levels.
Our youth workers and leadership teams have been active in their communities – supporting local school events including school athletic days, swimming sports being a positive role model, encouraging and motivating in their roles as time keepers and support people.
Our team has also been a part of the development of the Child Youth Wellbeing Strategy through a kanohi ki te kanohi process in Wellington and made a submission to the Tararua District Council on the development of a youth hub.
Our youth leadership team has been working extremely hard through their Youth Work Level 3 papers – four have now gained their NZ Certificate in Youth Work! They have trained in Code of Ethics, Mana Taiohi, Youth Mentoring (Quality Relationships), First Aid, Mental Health, Social media and Ethics, Te tiriti o Waitangi and Sexual Diversity.
Completing these have been a big journey of realisation for some and a stepping stone for others who want to peruse other journeys in life such as becoming a police officer or moving on to doing youth work level 4 papers and continuing to be a positive influence in the lives of our communities, young people and peers who we may come across in our journeys as youth workers.