The month of October will see CAN bursting at the seams with a variety of exhibitions and activities for everyone to experience.
Creative Arts Napier brings “The Secret Keeper” to our galleries for this year’s HB Arts Festival over three weeks.
Catherine Daniels has created more than 70 sculptures and published a book, with photographs by award-winning photographer Esther Bunning, together to embrace the important conversations to help others navigate their own journey of healing around issues of childhood trauma, sexual abuse, mental health and eating disorders.
Napier’s exhibition contains special guest works by Frances Rookes.
The opening of this powerful show is on Friday, October 6 from 5–7pm.
We are pleased to introduce Liz Hughes with her debut exhibition “Photo Montage Art” to our foyer this October.
Creative Arts Napier (CAN) general manager Tania Wright.
After a long and varied career in art and graphic design in NZ and abroad, Hughes began using her skills in photography and design to create a fresh style of art, then based mostly on landscape and architecture.
Her recent photo montage artwork has developed into a combination of photography, digital brushwork and special effects, all created with digital software.
Hughes said: “Since moving to Napier in April 2022 I have focussed on the local Art Deco architecture and its natural surroundings to create a fresh new style of art.
“I begin with transforming my own photographs using digital software with brushwork, photographic filters, adjustment layers and blending modes. This technique has allowed me to create these vibrant photo montages, unique to Napier and its surroundings, to share with you all,” she said.
New to CAN is painter Megan Harvey with her gorgeous debut collection of acrylic and watercolour paintings.
Harvey explained she has always been an outdoors person, having lived on a farm in the Pukahu area. Next to art, horses were her first big passion.
Rockfall by Megan Harvey.
Harvey is married with two children who have also married with two children, one family in Hastings and the other in London and received her Diploma in Fine Arts at the Art School in Ilam, Christchurch in 1961.
Harvey’s work will be in the CAN foyer throughout October 2023.
Artist Rachel Jarvis, with her collection of stunning and realistic animal paintings, will grace our workshop during October. Named after her two beautiful dogs “Two Dogs” focuses on animal portraits, originals and commissions.
Jarvis said, “As an advocate of animal welfare, this is the natural focus of my work and as a self-taught artist, I am still enjoying the experimenting stage while fully developing a specific style.”
“After the recent passing of both my wonderful dogs, Bruin and Misia, I saw this exhibition as a way to kick start me into painting again before the loss of their physical closeness, while I paint, was too much to bear.”
“This has helped me to feel close to them again, playing the music we used to listen to while I work and focusing on bringing out the individual in each portrait,” Jarvis said.
Last but not least, come along to CAN throughout October to view work by these talented Hawke’s Bay artists from the HB Art Guide. Chrissie Pearce, Clayton Guthrie, Erica Yvette Toh, Jodi Ferris, Ken Sando, Natacha Riou and Zandra Schofield.
The Hawke’s Bay Art Trail guide and map are available at CAN. Make sure you don’t miss out on the exciting opportunity to visit our fantastic creatives in their studios and watch them at work on October 14-15.