If you own your home and are on a low income, you may be eligible for a rates rebate. This is a subsidy to help low-income homeowners with the cost of their rates through your local council.
So how do you know if you are eligible?
1. Your household income must be below a certain maximum.
2. You must be living at that address.
3. You must be listed as the ratepayer with the local council.
If you are not sure contact Napier CAB and they will be able to assist you or check with the council.
What amount could you get back? Again, this depends on your income and how many dependents you have, and how much your annual rates bill is.
Dependents may include children who are under the age of 18 or dependent relatives who receive a benefit but not NZ Superannuation.
If you think you are eligible citizens, Advice Napier can assist you with the process orr you can complete an application which is available online from www.govt.nz or the council can give you a printed form.
You will need proof of your income from Inland Revenue, MSD or if you are self-employed you need to be able to show a copy of your financial accounts. You will need to sign a declaration form and then either post or take the information to the council.
When can you apply? Once you receive your rates bill, you can apply for a rebate for the current rating year July 2023 to July 2024.
To do this you must return your application to the council by June 30, 2024. This may seem far away but it’s good to know if you are eligible to get a bit of money back and to get the process started.
More information can be found on www.govt.nz – “get financial help with housing” or there is lots of information on the Citizens Advice Bureau website - https://www.cab.org.nz/article/KB00001988
Anyone who wants to ask for advice can contact the Napier Citizens Advice Bureau in Bower House, Bower St, Monday to Friday 9.00 - 4.00 on 06 835 9664 or 0800 367 222 or send an email on napier@cab.org.nz. Confidentiality is always assured.