"As you can imagine, it has been a huge decision for us to decide if we trade during the government enforced self-isolation lockdown. We decided that if we can assist the public with supplying essential cleaning, sanitising and food items, we have an obligation to the community to continue trading."
Faulkner added: "Some staff have chosen not to work, and we support them in that decision."
Crackerjack in Hamilton was visited by police to discuss whether it should be open during the national lockdown.
Despite the lockdown, New Zealand Red Cross (NZRC) is continuing its Meals on Wheels service.
Red Cross general manager humanitarian development Shaun Greaves said its volunteers are allowed to continue with the service, while adhering to the government guidelines.
"We know that people may be feeling particularly isolated at this time. That's why our volunteers may check-in with meal recipients, if they feel safe and comfortable to do so," he said.
"We are asking though, that they keep a minimum distance of two metres and must not enter the house at any point."
The cafe at Hawke's Bay Hospital will also remain open for food collection for staff only.
Zacs Cafe is considered an essential service that provides patient meals, as well as Meals on Wheels, according to a Hastings District Council spokeswoman.
"Kitchen staff are following all appropriate guidelines at this time," she said. "Seating within the cafe is limited to accommodate physical distancing.
"This allows our DHB staff, who are essential service workers, a place to sit to eat their meals away from close-quarter staff rooms.
"Additionally, those working shifts during any time of the day or night are entitled to collect warm or hot meals."
Marewa Four Square is also offering free delivery to elderly people in the community.
Anyone over the age of 70, with medical or transportation issues or who don't have someone to help with daily essentials, is asked to contact the store to organise a next-day delivery.
The store also asks other customers to keep their shopping lists to 20 items or less.
Hastings District Council Kahuranaki Ward councillor and Waimarama resident Sophie Siers said the local dairy is offering its version of a delivery service.
"I know that here in Waimarama our local store owners have offered free pick-ups and deliveries to the whole community to limit the community's exposure to the virus," she said.
"It is this sort of kindness that is probably more demonstrative of the overall kaupapa of local people."
Napier hairdressers Cathrynes State of Grace put up a sign in its window explaining it will be closed during the four-week lockdown.
The company encouraged customers to "grow your hair to pass the time."