With nine guns for every 10 people, the United States is by far the most heavily armed nation, so it's hardly surprising there are as many "civil" shooting deaths there as in the rest of the world combined.
Note the next-highest ratio, just over one per two, is in the civil war-torn third-world country of Yemen.
Thanks largely to bizarrely proud adherence to an outdated constitutional right to bear arms in public, in 2017 the number of mass shootings (defined as four or more killed) in the US is keeping pace with the number of days of the year.
Read more: Bruce Bisset: Getting over divide and rule
It also helps explain why, in a majority of cases where an intruder is disturbed at work, a gun is fired; or why 54 per cent of gun-death homicides arise after some form of domestic-violence incident.
Guns kill people, especially when they're ready at hand.
In all, as many people are killed in an "average" year in the US by guns as there were American casualties in the Korean War.
The truly frightening thing is that nowhere near enough people seem inclined to do anything practical to change this. Which suggests an all-pervasive culture of violence has taken control of the planet's most powerful nation.
Arguably that violence culture has always had control. But it's getting more entrenched.
Fuelled by a rush of xenophobia, Americans have elected a government - and a manic President - which has adopted an increasingly aggressive nationalism as its preferred foreign policy.
The rogue state of North Korea provides a ready excuse to vent hate and threaten war, and conveniently allows the US to appear to curb the influence of its now-great rival, China.
But perhaps the North Koreans - or any number of other foes, such as those found throughout the Middle East - are hitting back in unconventional ways.
Children's stories. How better to reinforce all-pervasive violence than to corrupt young minds in infancy by brainwashing them with images and ideas that replace humanity with nightmare?