Environmental vandalism, pure and simple. It's an argument used by those who would modify anything and everything, regardless, because for them, nothing "natural" has value.
■That eastern face is already modified, because it used to be forest, so just grow some shrubs to hide the scars.
Maybe so, but that's irrelevant; it is what it is today and has been that way for far longer than the District Plan has existed.
Yet what does the plan say about it? That it's "the single most significant landscape icon in Hawke's Bay".
As it stands. Already modified or not.
So you either defend that judgment – which has been through the whole notified process, including the courts, more than once – or you toss the entire rulebook away and allow open slather on any land anywhere for anything.
■It's popular so it must be good.
John Key was "popular". Donald Trump is (or was) "popular". Even Hitler was "popular". Need I say more?
■Who cares about Maori history and culture? Ignore them.
What people actually say (in public) is in reference to myth and legend — but this is what they mean.
Funnily enough all the views trotted out in favour of keeping the track somewhere rely on this racist attitude to sharpen their point.
That includes HDC's decision.
Because otherwise, the insult to and outrage felt by local iwi would be recognised and respected — and that would be the end of the argument.
■Bruce Bisset is a freelance writer and poet.
■Views expressed here are the writer's opinion and
not the newspaper's.
Bruce Bissett (19 January) asserts there was collusion between Craggy Range Winery and Hastings District Council to approve or 'pre-approve' the resource consent application for the Te Mata Peak walking track.
This is categorically incorrect.
Mr Bissett claims we bought the land prior to receiving consent, therefore we must have known consent would be certain.
What he failed to bother finding out is that our sale and purchase agreement was, in fact, conditional on receiving resource consent.
Furthermore, allegations of local government corruption are incredibly serious, so the facts should be obtained before drawing the wrong conclusion that has the potential to seriously mislead the community.
Michael Wilding
CEO, Craggy Range Winery