The group of 15, 14 to 25 year olds from Hastings was taught how they form their beliefs, what values are and why it's so important to have integrity, Jacqueline says.
"If you don't know who you are and don't know what you don't know, how can you become successful or even get a job?"
LIFT's vision is to have 100 per cent youth employment for Hawke's Bay and offers a new approach to working with young people, employer support, intensive pastoral care and long-term post placement support. It has the backing of volunteer groups, kaumatua and regional specialists
LIFT is now focusing on working with more employers to ensure the young job seekers can be successfully transitioned into employment.
"Once they are into a job, we walk with the young job seeker and employer simultaneously to sustain the outcome."
LIFT engages directly with young people, before employment, providing self-development and work readiness training and long-term pastoral care to help them transition into a job.
The wrap-around organisation does not operate in isolation and is already working alongside post treaty settlement groups, hauora providers, employers, government agencies, local government, the education and training sector, health and other service providers.
Jacqui says the Bounce programme is about the trainers recognising the students' potential and then holding the space for them while they learn the skills to step into it.
"It's amazing to see the lightbulbs going on."
One of the brainstorming sessions during the programme identified what young people want, Fiona says. Charts showing lists of 'wants' and 'don't wants' highlighted the need to feel respected, be treated equally and have good pay, and not be disrespected or treated unfairly or with hatred.
"They want the same as everyone else. We talked about what we can and can't control. They are learning to take responsibility for the outcomes they have in their lives instead of outsourcing through blaming others."
Students attending the courses have been picked up by LIFT through referrals via Hastings District Council and places like the waterfront markets, public libraries, the $2 Shop and at McDonald's.
"We take it to where they are rather than waiting for them to come to us," Fiona says.
Daily attendance at both the Napier and Hastings courses has been excellent, which Jacqueline and Fiona put down to the style of delivery.
"It's the beauty of seeing the individual - and creating a welcoming environment for them - not making them wrong. It's about teaching them their individuality is their magic. We need them to be the best version of them they can be."
For more information on LIFT or Bounce contact Jody Hamilton on 021 919 779 or email