"All facilities have the visitor declaration forms and we are about to put in place limited entry into sites outside of hours."
Gasparich added: "The widespread response is to be prepared and keep the risk of the virus from coming into the facilities. That is our focus."
Any family member wanting to visit a loved outside of office hours will need to contact nurses inside or the call centre to gain access.
The virus, which is believed to have emerged from illegally traded wildlife at a seafood market in Wuhan, China, has so far claimed the lives of 4970 people around the world, with nearly 134,498 confirmed cases.
Oceania Healthcare sites care for 300 aged care residents and 130 retirement village residents across five villages in Hawke's Bay.
The Duart Rest Home houses 66 aged care residents.
An Age Concern spokeswoman said: "ACNZ wants to remind anyone who will be around older people to keep up the vigorous personal hygiene.
"This includes practising good coughing, sneezing etiquette and hand washing. Also be sure to check in on your community, even if you need to limit your social interactions you can still pick up the phone and check in on those around you."
Ryman Healthcare chief executive Gordon MacLeod said a "pandemic plan and extensive infection control plans" is in place at Princess Alexandra Retirement Village in Napier, including a declaration process.
"We have infection control plans in place for gastro and seasonal influenza and these protocols are ready to go. We have a check-in and declaration process when visitors arrive at the village, including taking temperatures.
"We've been preparing since January - getting in extra supplies, carrying out additional training and briefings and making sure we are all set."
MacLeod added: "It's clear that older people are particularly vulnerable to coronavirus and it is our job is to keep them safe."
Gasparich said Oceania Healthcare are "well-equipped" to handle any outbreaks, as they operate under sub-contract of the District Health Board.
"We have access to national stockpile of protective equipment, masks and the like," he said.
"We are not picking up any over-the-top fear amongst residents, but certain viruses, like gastro viruses, do occur within facilities from time to time and in those situations, the facilities are locked down in infection control mode.
"Through the previous situation like gastro virus, we are aware of what to do."