CAN general manager Lisa Feyen.
by Lisa Feyen
Check out the latest exhibition from CAN regular Paul Soanes.
CAN general manager Lisa Feyen.
by Lisa Feyen
At the end of this week, you will see big changes in the galleries at Creative Arts Napier (CAN).
Sadly on Thursday we say goodbye to Clare Plug's gorgeous exhibition of textile art Re-View and Joseph Rowntree's collection of work New School Relics.
These will be replaced with Locale, a solo exhibition by local artist Carli Lewis, and in the Main Gallery, a sumptuous display of woven tapestry by The Tapestry Network of NZ, entitled Woven Tapestry; Ancient Art of NZ.
Carli Lewis paints what she sees, and is in love with the natural and urban environment around her. She is inspired by other artists, her children, nature and areas where people socialise and have fun. Painting is an activity Carli enjoys, and she loves when her paintings create an emotion for someone.
Carli paints abstracts, landscapes of nature, beaches and buildings (especially cafes). Painting when she can, where she can. Lately Carli has enjoyed painting at sunrise, when she can hear the birds.
Planning for the future, Carli Lewis might look to creating images for a children's book.
With a love for collecting photos, and finding things to paint, Carli is never without inspiration. Growing up in Auckland, Carli has also lived in Tauranga, Nelson, Rotorua, Brisbane, London and Edinburgh. Living in different places has made Carli appreciate the beauty in each area, and the environments that are always changing.
"Hawke's Bay is now my 'locale'. My family and I moved here 18 months ago. I love the sky, buildings and sea here. It's a lovely place to paint, explore and have time with my family," Carli says.
Join Carli to celebrate the opening of her exhibition on Friday, June 4, 5pm-7pm. All welcome! Light refreshments will be served.
The Tapestry Network was established in 2012. There are about 60 paid up members from both New Zealand and Australia, ranging from beginners to very experienced weavers. Many members' work has been exhibited at national and international level, with some receiving top awards for their work both here and overseas.
Many of the members meet regularly to exchange ideas and to spend time just weaving. Regular mid-year retreats are held over a long weekend, usually near Taupo, in which members can catch up with friends to weave and talk tapestry.
Members work in differing sizes, predominantly in small format, though there are many who weave larger tapestries.
There are members who are internationally recognised and who hold their own exhibitions. There is a camaraderie between them all, where more experienced weavers are always available to help beginners with technique and design.
They feel that now is the time to hold a national exhibition, and at CAN we are honoured to host and display the beautiful results of all of this hard work, dedication and passion. You will find Woven Tapestry; Ancient Art of NZ on display in the Main Gallery until Thursday, June 24.
If tapestry, stitching or embroidery is something you would like to learn more about, CAN is lucky to be hosting two weekend workshops with Ngaio Blackwood, coming up shortly in June.
At the Embroidery 101 session, learn the materials and processes to get started with the basics of embroidery and create a sampler, carefully guided by expert tutor Ngaio. This workshop is suitable for absolute beginners, adults or youth aged 13+.
The following session, Embroidery 102 will cover how to stitch a rose motif using classic embroidery techniques, also suitable for beginners, those who have completed 101 or already have some experience.
A full embroidery kit will be available to purchase at each class (recommended) with a special price available should you wish to purchase two kits to attend both classes. More information is available on the CAN website or contact or 06 835 9448 to reserve your spot.
CAN is just about to launch into a new series of creative classes at Keirunga Creative Hub, too. We thought we would spread the love and branch out into the world of Havelock North, to offer our unique classes to the wider community. All classes will feature on the CAN website, so check out the CAN website for some exciting new additions.
Look out for new foyer exhibitions too, from local artist and CAN regular Paul Soanes and emerging artist Antonia Neville starting on Tuesday, June 1.
Talented Antonia is currently studying towards a Bachelor of Creative Practice at Ideaschool, EIT and is helping to co-ordinate the Hawke's Bay Art Trail event in October as the 2021 CAN Intern.
Later in June Marama Ngawhika will be joining the exhibitors with a display of her artworks in the workshop space to celebrate Matariki.
■ Lisa Feyen is the general manager for Creative Arts Napier (CAN), 16 Byron St. CAN is open seven days a week from Monday to Saturday, 10am-4pm and Sunday, 10am-2pm. Entry is by voluntary donation. Info: 835-9448, or Facebook.
'I think about Mum and Dad a lot. It is such a shame they're not alive to see this.'