If you fancied a sweet or savoury loaf at a bargain price the Dannevirke Art Society's Cottage in McPhee St was the place to be on Sunday afternoon August 16. There were exotic combinations like lemon and blueberry, pineapple and date, banana just by itself, savoury meat and even a detox creation. Blueberry was popular and the traditional boiled fruit was too.
It was a competition and Tracy Pearson won the sweet loaf with her boiled fruit loaf with Allan Giddens winning the savoury, his meat entry pronounced similarly delicious.

Each entrant had to provide a second loaf wrapped for auction and these were sought after and returned the Art Society an average $8-$10 per item.
Then it was the turn of the recipes to be auctioned, many being hand-me-down treasures and they went for $4-$6.