Great plays and films are produced from great stories and/or great characters, says Napier Repertory Players’ vice-president Glen Cook.
“To find a great story, you either must dredge them up from the depths of your mind or find one from real life and most of the ‘true’ stories have already been done to death.
“But not so with the story of Glorious!, which is based on the real life of Florence Foster Jenkins and Napier Repertory Players are thrilled to be bringing it to the stage for the Little Theatre’s Art Deco production which runs from February 14-29,” Cook said.
“Following the cancellation of the scheduled 2023 production, the Little Theatre stage will come alive with the sounds of the ‘Diva of Din’.
“Florence Foster Jenkins’ claim to fame wasn’t that she couldn’t sing (which is what many critics say of her) - indeed she could sing, and frequently did. However, she just couldn’t sing in tune - at least, not most of the time.