On the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month under leaden skies, Dannevirke's RSA held a sombre ceremony to commemorate the Armistice which set in motion the end of World War I.
As if to sympathise with the mood of remembrance of sacrifices long past, the clouds threatened rain but did not follow through, allowing the crowd of 50-plus to honour those in peace.
It was a significant ceremony, after Anzac Day 2020 became a virtual event due to the pandemic, and the full proceedings were played out with Dannevirke RSA president Roly Ellis as MC.

He referred in his welcome address to the recent rededication of the Te Rehunga Memorial at Ruahine School and his trip with Phillipa to Sint Anthonis in Holland to commemorate the 75th year since World War II ended.