Four young peoples' musical determination to do their bit to battle bullying has resulted in their school being presented with a $500 cheque for the youngsters' on-line rendition of Don't Hide Behind a Smile.
The Maraenui Bi-lingual School students were the most popular of 86 groups who made on-line recordings about the anti-bullying cause at a stand set up by the Waiohiki-based AWA Transmedia Studios at the Hawke's Bay A&P Show in October.
The Don't Hide Behind a Smile phrase was coined by Taradale High School student Kate Gear as part of her research into bullying in homes, schools and in public places.
It struck a chord with AWA Transmedia, spokesman Tareha O'Reilly said, and was accordingly picked up and supported.
"Bullying is a serious issue and has been linked to young people staying away from school and even as a cause of youth suicide."