When are we going to have the conversation about adding value?
Many, years ago I worked at the Whakatu Freezing works and some clever clogs came up with the idea of exporting live sheep. So easy, no hassle, no employees. It all began because the destination market in a middle east country had certain requirements regarding killing the animals.
At the time I wondered "What are they doing? We already have Halal butchers employed on the killing floor so wouldn't it be better to export small goods?" Sausages, steak, gourmet meat packs, cooked products and so much more. Just imagine how many more people would be employed.
Anyway surprise, surprise not too long after that the Whakatu meat works closed down. Our former market now had the ability to breed their own sheep as well as processing them. A couple of thousand jobs were lost.
Around that same time New Zealand kiwifruit growers started selling their kiwifruit root stock to overseas buyers. Very short-sighted thinking. We ended up supplying our competitors making our own efforts in the world market so much more difficult.