I am with a group of women who attend the Flaxmere Boxing Academy. Since moving back to our Flaxmere site located at the Flaxmere Community Centre we have opened our classes to women. Without the need to advertise, it's the women who have flocked in. Why? Perhaps connections through Henare's sister Shona or Henare and Pam's daughter, Rebekah.
I watch those attending a Saturday morning class. The energy and enthusiasm is palpable. One of the female participants, Jackie Geor, tells me the reason she loves the boxing classes so much is because of the people and the support and encouragement she receives. Apart from the love of boxing and learning boxing techniques, if she has a bad day she can exercise which helps to get rid of her frustrations. Jackie tells me when she first started with Flaxmere Boxing Academy she punched like a bird. "I was 'unco' - no coordination at all." Jackie laughs and remembers Henare O'Keefe saying "I don't know about this woman".
"What Henare does not know is I wear glasses. I am pretty blind, in fact, I have to focus on the white on the pads." When Jackie first started nine months ago she was 86kg, "I had no stamina and was very unfit. I did not know what on earth was going on initially. But very soon Monday and Wednesday nights was my 'mums night'.
"I hate running and love walking. I have Rebekah O'Keefe to thank for motivating me and inspiring me. She helped me with starting to exercise by walking between one lamp post and running between the next post. Flaxmere Boxing Academy provides a family environment. You are made to feel so welcome, they help you and encourage you to do your best. I used to be really shy. The women help you out. I heard about boxing classes from Rebekah. I am much fitter and I love boxing. I have gained confidence with exercise. We share our progress on Facebook."
Nine months later Jackie is 66kg and her husband tells her how proud he is.