Our Takitimu Ora Whanau Ora collective is on a roll.
Hawke's Bay has a more youthful and higher proportion of Maori compared to other districts. It is only sensible that our focus for our Takitimu Ora whanau collective is ensuring our young people are engaged in either education training or employment. We target those between the ages of 15 and 19.
Partners Te Taiwhenua o Heretaunga, Waimarama community, Te Wananga Whare Tapere o Takitimu School, U-Turn and Whakatu community have worked for months, planning, developing business plans etc. Now it's time for action. As chief executive of Taiwhenua Heretaunga, George Reedy has been saying for weeks: "I need to see the numbers. I want to start to see those young people engaged."
We work with our community using a collective impact framework which provides a unique way of working. Collective impact is not about duplication or competing for funding or contracts it is about connecting us all. Put simply: We need each other to address complex issues. Our community hui held in the Whakatu community hall provides the opportunity to demonstrate collective impact in action. Whether an employer, involved with the education sector, a service provider and most importantly young people themselves, we all come together in response.
The evening is opened by Des Ratima, local Whakatu champion leader. Des welcomes us all. The evening is handed to facilitator Jody Hamilton. A brief introduction of Takitimu Ora starts with our video clip: www.takitimuora.co.nz.