This past week we held our first auahi kore Paharakeke smokefree Flaxmere planning meeting. This has much potential.
Targeting retailers, increasing visibility of cessation services, prioritising hapu/pregnant Maori women (nearly half of Maori women smoke during pregnancy) are some of our priority areas. Those around me have been cutting back their smoking. All good things for our vision set by Pam - to improve the wellbeing of whanau of Flaxmere.
However, I need to discuss housing. It is impossible to work in Flaxmere and not be confronted by accommodation issues.
There are ongoing problems of housing security, difficulties and stress when trying to access a Housing New Zealand house, deterioration of the condition of some houses, tenants too disempowered to ask for help or ask for their bond back to be able to transfer to another more suitable house, families with poor credit rating due to poor choices with agencies that prey on vulnerable families, and people who have English as a second language with no advocacy or support when needed, substandard homes that are not insulated and rents that leave families struggling.
When speaking to any health worker in Flaxmere, whether it be Plunket wellchild nurses, primary care nurses, Maori providers or community health workers, the stories are all too familiar. Families need treatment when their health deteriorated as a result of living in cold, damp, overcrowded, substandard houses.