There are many people associated with Te Aranga Marae. Spiritual resonance, a safe venue where people can connect and both offer support and draw on support. Financially the marae runs at a loss. Where can we find some more funds? Juggling venues as a back-up is ongoing. At times Pam has to cancel well-paid bookings for tangi which always takes precedence over other activities.
Most marae in the region will be struggling financially. The cost of compliance, fire alarms, sprinkler systems and ongoing checks to ensure Te Aranga is compliant is crippling. Meetings are held across the rohe as He Toa Takatini - Treaty of Waitangi appointed representatives for Taiwhenua Heretaunga (Hastings district) and Te Taiwhenua Tamatea (Central Hawke's Bay) acting on our behalf, finalise the first stage of the treaty settlements.
The agreement in principle. Some funding will be provided to marae but apparently Te Aranga Marae is not whakapapa based so initial marae, representation from Te Aranga is discluded. There is acknowledgement from some however that Te Aranga should be included "let's be inclusive" were the words I heard from someone.
As discussed, there are so many interesting people associated with the marae. Retiring Major Annette Garrett Salvation Army, Flaxmere has been an officer with the Sallies for 28 years. She has been based in Porirua, Mt Roskill Auckland, Dunedin and Christchurch. I asked whether she has set priorities during her time working with communities.
She describes having only one set period where she had to support and mentor young officers. She feels that the success of her role has been that she has taken the time to engage with communities to find out what the actual need of the community is.