Housing - we are obsessed with housing issues. The media is full of issues regarding housing, the cost and demand for affordable housing, and the homeless. U-Turn Trust has been responding to housing issues for many years. Our constitution states "improve health standards, education levels, employment opportunities, housing standards and life skills".
Te Aranga Marae has housed the homeless temporarily for many years. This is not a new thing, many marae will be responding to the need until government or other agencies provide a more long-term solution.
There are many issues regarding housing in Flaxmere. Home-ownership rates in Flaxmere have dropped significantly and over half of all households do not own their own homes. Where in many countries leasing or renting is much more the norm and protected by tenants' rights, we in New Zealand are often more vulnerable when renting, partly due to tenants not knowing their rights and not wanting to rock the boat in case of eviction.
A partnership forged with Hawkes Bay Property Investors' Association member Graham Duff and U-Turn has seen the development of the Flaxmere Friendly Landlord Scheme. Rather than "name and shame" those not so proactive - or using Graham's term, those "ratbag" landlords - we are working with the willing.
The HBPIA is one of 19 associations around New Zealand with an overall co-ordinating body, the NZPI Federation. The HBPIA has more than 300 members who focus on best practice. The sector is governed by an Act of Parliament with a new amendment just passed, which means all rental properties will need to be insulated and smoke alarmed by July 2019.