New Basketball Hawke's Bay general manager Nick Hogan has come to the Bay with just the right credentials. He's refereed Hawke's Bay twice and they've won both times - at rugby.
But wait – There's more. When the 30-year-old opens his CV he adds cricket, and even a wee time helping out with netball, to the picture of versatility that the modern sports administration professional must be in what itself is a competitive game.
As it happens, he also played a lot of basketball, until he was about 16, at Wellington Boys' College and starting to ponder what might lie ahead without the prerequisite of superior height to make it big shooting hoops in the NBL.
Among the steps was the school's course on the rules of rugby and refereeing, and then Massey University studies in Sports Management, which included a placement as an assistant events co-ordinator with Netball Wellington in 2012.
The following year he was part of the matchday team with a range of duties for big rugby matches at Wellington Regional Stadium, and ultimately made it into a stint of seven years in cricket administration, most latterly as community manager – capability at Cricket Wellington.