A spokesperson from the Boating Club says this was the first ever caught at the beach community.
“So exciting for us as a club, and of course, Derek.
“Who would have thought coming to little old Akitio, you would catch a marlin, but you did and you’ve put us on the map.”
Some of the boats lined up waiting for good conditions to go fishing off Akitio.
A few boats went out on Saturday but wind forced smaller boats to be called in and the bigger boats were later called in for safety reasons, so not much fish was caught that day.
Entertainment was provided on the night with a live band and a roast meal sold by Weber School.
Akitio Boating Club president Bruce Johnson takes time out of the Fish Akitio competition to catch one for himself.
Gifts were presented to boating club president Bruce (Moose) Johnson and club secretary Delwyn Eriksen who are stepping down after four years “letting some new blood take the reels”.
Spot prizes were also given out, including the last major spot prize for the weekend, the spokesperson says.
“The night and the atmosphere was fantastic, even though we had no power until just after eight that night, but with a few generators nothing stopped us having fun.”
A classic film, now told in te reo Māori. Shrek returns to the big screen, with a Hawke's Bay voice bringing Lord Farquaad to life. Video / Rafaella Melo - Hawke's Bay Today