Weddings! What a great occasion to see friends from far and wide, and share in the happiness of two people in love and enjoying the next step in their relationship.
BUT a lot of the time a wedding also involves travel. Sometimes just a casual Saturday drive to a local vineyard, and sometimes a full-blown road trip to the far corners of New Zealand and beyond!
We had such an occasion at the weekend, and while lucky to have care for the children so we didn't have to burden, I mean, bless the happy couple with their presence, we did have to drag them hundreds of kilometres, strapped helplessly into position within fighting distance of each other.
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We tried loading up the digital devices with movies to help keep the peace, but between "My headphones fall out of my ears, my eeeeears aren't big enough" and "Dad, I think I'm going to spew" from motion sickness, that idea was quickly relegated to the "bad ideas for road-trip" entertainment' folder.