"Welcome back to work, how was your holiday?"
A statement and question uttered to me multiple times in the last few days, and as a bloke lucky enough to have had a fairly long and educational summer break, I thought I should share a few life lessons learned along the way.
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1. When road-tripping with three children, it is always prudent to have a good supply of things to throw into the back seat to keep them occupied. Lollies, water, crackers, fruit, live octopuses - WHATEVER it takes to score the next three minutes of sanity before the fighting starts again. Be. Prepared.
2. When teaching a young family member to ride on two wheels, always make braking skills a priority BEFORE you hit a hill. Just because they can pedal on two wheels, do not assume you won't be peddling hell for leather beside a rapidly accelerating youth projectile missile as you yell: "Squeeze the brake . . . the metal handle thing . . . not the bell . . . steer AWAY from the tree."