"There never really was enough room but during lockdown when we had to be socially distancing it was just crazy.
"Our customers had to line up outside and we were serving them through a window. That was what got the ball rolling even though we had been thinking about it for some time," Nic said.
"Now we have an office space, storeroom and retail space and it's just wonderful."
More than 60 people attended the opening ceremony last month in what turned out to be a very heartwarming event.
"There was a lot of aroha and support for the work that both the Weleda Pharmacy and Sophia Healing Centre doctors, Dr Richard Drexel and Dr Helen Proctor, are doing in Hawke's Bay and across New Zealand.
"We are hoping that support continues as we grow, develop and share our understanding and practice of anthroposophic medicine. We are also consulting local Māori, including Taherama Tamatea, tohunga, to explore using native Aotearoa NZ natural materials from which to develop remedies."
The Weleda Pharmacy approach is based on an integrated holistic view to health and wellbeing.
"We are the only pharmacy in New Zealand that does this and what we manufacture here goes out to the world.
"We would love to see more local people and businesses use us. There are more people looking further afield these days — we extend conventional medicine."
One of Weleda's most popular products - which was amplified during Covid - is the stress and sleep range, closely followed by products to do with the immune system.
"Stress, lifestyle, diet and gut problems go hand in hand. I always ask lots of questions. It's a bit like unpeeling layers until you get to the cause of the problem."
The pharmacy also stocks a wide range of anthroposophic and some homeopathic medicines, along with flower essences, a selected range of nutritional supplements and a full range of Weleda's natural and organic skincare products. There is now a space in the new retail area to stock Hohepa Creative works and products from other small NZ suppliers.
The team at Weleda Pharmacy - medical herbalist Rebecca Boyle, retail consultant Anna Kiriakidis, and pharmacist and herbalist Anita Bhikna-Willan - agree it's a great place to work.
"There's tranquillity here and that's what you need in a place of healing. It's also a happy place."
While there I was lucky enough to have a quick peek inside the homestead's downstairs rooms where the doctors will be practising.
What a space. Just beautiful.
Weleda Pharmacy is at 302 Te Mata Rd, Havelock North and is open Monday to Friday, 9am to 4.30pm. For more info go to weledapharmacy.co.nz