Latest fromHawkes Bay Today

Lefty wants justice
Clyde Thomas, Napier has complained about abuse he received at school as a left handed student.

Breakers Restaurant building up for sale
The Heretaunga St site has been a Hastings hospitality mainstay for almost 150 years.

Pedestrian hit by truck in Hastings
Emergency services were called to the crash on Havelock Rd, Akina, about 2.42pm on Monday.

Regional Council to reconsider question of Māori wards
Council is again being given the option of establishing Māori wards without consultation.

Hawke's Bay ambulance call-outs up year-on-year despite nationwide decrease
There were 20,491 ambulance call-outs in Hawke's Bay in 2020.

UK man linked to slaying of Kiwi cop Matt Ratana draws pictures of incident
Matt Ratana's alleged killer has drawn pictures to help police in their investigation.

Tribunal lawyer teaches about Te Tiriti
A Waitangi Tribunal lawyer is hoping to fill the gap on Treaty knowledge.

Havelock North man takes Covid Tracer campaign to Parliament
MP Anna Lorck will present a petition featuring one man's signature to Parliament.

Hawke's Bay's most common surname revealed
Hawke's Bay's diverse community reflected in the region's most common surnames of 2020.

Fun family day in the park
Cars and family fun will combine at Saturday's Men's Health Picnic in the Park.

Man charged over theft of huia from Dannevirke gallery
Man enters no plea on charge of stealing huia from gallery.

One new community case linked to Auckland outbreak
The new community case identified today had been in isolation since February 19.

Season-ending defeat a blow for veteran
HBU suffered a 2-0 defeat to Waitakere United in Auckland on Sunday.

Petrel power: Two sooty shearwater petrel chicks hatch at Hawke's Bay sanctuary
Two sooty shearwater petrel chicks have hatched at the Cape Sanctuary.

Car crashes into garage in Havelock North
Emergency services were called to the crash on Middle Rd about 5.14pm on Sunday.

Cricket: Napier Tech win T20 comp, eye greater prizes
Club wins Murray McKearney Memorial Cup in final over Havelock North.

Traffic backed up after crash on SH2, near Meeanee
Emergency services called to crash between Links Rd and Meeanee Rd on Monday morning.

Hawke's Bay's rugby academy side back in action
Hawke's Bay's young guns drew 26-all with Manawatū in Palmerston North.

A good save as fire threatens Hawke's Bay's Gwavas Forest
Crews from at least six fire stations and two forests battled the blaze

Addressing participation in Hawke's Bay high school sport
Sport HB welcomes ex-Tall Black Dillon Boucher to encourage balance in youth sport

Another sunny week in store for Hawke's Bay
Metservice is forecasting more warm, fine days for the region.

Teens dominate Napier ocean swim
Perfect conditions made for one of the fastest of Napier oceans swims

Local Focus: Export plan for Bay cherries
Hawke's Bay cherries may be heading overseas. Made with funding from NZ On Air.

Talking Point: No comparison between white and black slavery
To say the north African enslavement of white people is equal to US slavery is misleading.

Eskdale and mountain bike parks collide
Friends of Eskdale Park spokespeople are battling mountain bikers over the park's future.