Latest fromHawkes Bay Today

Locals feature in MNZ National Cross-country Championships
Locals achieve great results in MNZ National Cross-country Championships.

Gang members trying to 'clean it up' call for political help to stop Napier violence
"It can't continue," National MP Louise Upston told Napier residents worried about gangs.

'Brilliant': Cup race viewers at Napier Sailing Club react
Napier Sailing Club was the place to be to watch the historic America's Cup race.

Kumeroa Sheep Dog Trials a test of wills and training
Short Head and Yard event,Friday, March 12, when Kumeroa was venue for latest dog trials.

As it happened: How Team New Zealand crushed Luna Rossa
Team New Zealand complete a 7-3 America's Cup win over Luna Rossa.

How community showed Bushman's Tucka their support
"We've run out of mince so had to restock."

Dress-up fever for St Patrick's Day and America's Cup
Megan Meads has always loved to dress up. Today she's going the extra mile.

Dog show all go after Covid cancellation in 2020
Covid put a paws on the Napier/Wairoa Kennel Championship Show but couldn't keep it down.

Fresh seal on highway ripped up in days
New seal placed on SH5 to be replaced less than a week after it was put down by NZTA.

First Kiwis fully vaccinated, very small number of people have declined
There are no new community cases of Covid-19 but three in managed isolation.

St John volunteers honoured
More than 200 years' service to St John was recognised at an awards evening in Dannevirke.

Hastings mechanic's death 'rocked a community'
A grieving sister urges "it's not weak to speak".

Police respond to break-in at CHB College
Police called after CHB College karate dojo damaged.

Lucky escape as driver walks away uninjured after Taradale smash
The car crashed into the back of a parked truck in on Guppy Rd, about 8.20pm on Tuesday.

Napier man's despair as letter to Chathams is returned four times
Letter writer says the era of posties knowing their local area is over.

A couple of goods days out at the trials
A busy weekend of sheep dog trials in Hawke's Bay - north and south.

HB inmate charged with assault on guard
A prison officer suffered a sore shoulder after allegedly being assaulted late last year.

Napier man crowned national 650cc superbikes champion
Napier's SJ Cavell is basking in first-time NZ Superbike Championships class glory.

The Hits: I climbed 'a mountain' one step at a time
I'm not going to lie, there were many climbs that were tough

No new Covid community cases; 2 cases in MIQ
The last recorded community case was on February 28.

No more ball envy at Napier dog park
Napier dog owner places box of balls in Riverside park for all dogs and owners to use.

Lunch for two marked 65th wedding anniversary
It was a no-fuss 65th wedding celebration for Dannevirke couple Frank and Jocelyn Milner.

New MRI scanner a first for Hawke's Bay
TRG's Michelle Dibley said it was a significant investment that patients would love.

Hazlehurst can't ban gangs at parks, but says she won't tolerate them being branded
Akina Park's facilities were seriously damaged over the weekend.

Analyse this: Magpies have dream job on offer
Head performance analyst Stephen VanderPeet is looking to take an intern or two on board.

'We'll be the poor cousins': Wairoa fears over Three Waters reforms
'Bigger isn't always better,' says Wairoa's mayor of the Three Water reforms.

Upston takes on new role with big focus on gangs
Someone to go to if people aren't getting satisfaction from their own MP

Te reo titles 'can be safely used' in schools
Kaumātua says simple solution is to allow teachers to use te reo titles if they want to.

Teen reigns supreme with shooting finesse
Dannevirke's Stephanie McNair has shot to victory with two NZ Rural Sports Awards honours.