Hundreds protest Napier council's decision about Maori wards
Anger at delay in Maori wards for Napier
Anger at delay in Maori wards for Napier
Otago are expected to target revenge in a shield challenge in August
Hawke's Bay appears to be being battered by strong winds ...
The Hawke's Bay Magpies 2021 Mitre 10 Cup campaign draw has been made.
"Fires are unpredictable, the biggest fear is not going home."
Mary Bond and Robyn McLean will be the first speakers at the Business Breakfast series.
Rugby union banks on a tries-fest as Super Rugby returns to Napier on May 28.
Napier City Council under fire over Maori wards
Alison Goodwin is part of a group questioning the legality of the Covid vaccine programme.
The results from the new samples are expected to be available tomorrow evening.
The diver is believed to be a man in his mid-20s.
The diver had been missing since yesterday afternoon.
Pregnancy Help provides clothing, equipment and support for new mothers.
Severe gusts of more than 130km/h can be expected.
"We were going to give him a rip. But we hadn't seen the scale of the crash."
International musician Tony Backhouse is running a gospel choir workshop in Napier
Downer Tararua Sports Awards acknowledge great local talent.
Laurel Judd has run a mask-making competition for primary school children.
OPINION: When gang violence endangers the public, a new approach is required.
Search has been suspended and will continue in the morning.
A week of fine and settled weather predicted for Hawke's Bay.
In the past five years, there have been 6953 farming-related injuries in Hawke's Bay.
Rocket Lab's rocket launch in Mahia on Saturday took off, but failed within minutes.
Kay Seaton, of CHB, died after a car crashed into a ditch in Ōtāne on Friday.
It's likely the result is due to recovered cases continuing to shed the virus, MoH says.