Students give horse polo a whack
Flaxemere College students spend term one learning the ins and outs of horse polo.
Flaxemere College students spend term one learning the ins and outs of horse polo.
Hawke's Bay likely to escape big, dramatic weather.
It's the Bay's favourite early Xmas gift, but Gabrielle might impact electricity dividend.
All proceeds will go to the Hawke's Bay Winegrowers Association Relief Fund.
Trade Me data on Hawke's Bay rental prices has been released.
Around 180,000 tonnes of clothing and textile waste is dumped in landfills every year
Denis Andrews' cell phone, with the photo, was stolen in an aggravated robbery.
Initially the Schizophrenia Fellowship, Supporting Families has been running for 45 years.
Thermals for Children is back and busier than ever
Kiwi wallets are likely to be hurting for a good while yet
Napier City Business Inc has launched a We Are Open campaign to support the Napier CBD.
Father dies in hospital 16 days after being struck in ribs by son.
Hand-made art gifts from Guilin contain messages of support for the Hastings district.
PM Chris Hipkins rules out special tax to help cover ballooning cyclone recovery costs.
HB Civil Defence is generally pleased with how people managed their personal safety.
Tararua District Council urges public to give feedback on Annual Plan.
Little blues' presence might stall wharf work.
Chris Hipkins confirms there are no new taxes in the Budget.
Postie Jenny Lean is retiring after nearly five decades.
Even the rain couldn't bring down the crowds at Lorde's Black Barn concert.
Kieran Chisnall, of Hawke’s Bay Wasp Control, was called out to the large, grey wasp nest.
Don Kennedy says everyone else is playing catch-up to Max Verstappen in Formula One.
The Cyclone Relief Exhibition is being held at Ahuriri Contemporary.
Dawn Anzac Day Service goers in Dannevirke at 6am were greeted with a crisp frost.
First Hawke’s Bay-Manawatū Cowboy Challenge held
Hastings is getting there very own Repair Café
Enormous new work to occupy the main wall of Hastings City Art Gallery.
The aftershocks have ranged from light to moderate.
The unknown offender broke in and assaulted the man, then stole his phones.