Ko Au: Malosi a unique fusion of dance, music and spoken word
The concept of Ko Au: Malosi is to show joy, strength and hope through dance.
The concept of Ko Au: Malosi is to show joy, strength and hope through dance.
Pothole damage compensation claims have jumped in Hawke's Bay over the past three years.
“It’s great because Hastings is so beautiful at the moment.”
The race has been on the sporting calendar for more than 40 years.
After decades of fun, the float king is hanging up his tools.
Thirty-six players came to play bridge.
A 24-year-old veteran of a decade of indoor cricket shares his first national title.
The crew pooled resources and drew on their network of connections for the movie.
One nest had a fire lit almost right next to it.
The meeting will be on September 27 at 5.30 pm at the CHB Municipal Theatre.
Totara College has received two top awards from the global charity.
The night was a success, but they plan to do it bigger and better next time.
The victim has been transported to Hawke's Bay Hospital in a serious condition.
Church Road Winery and MTG Hawke's Bay join for a nationwide Art Initiative.
The Pahīatua cinema has a new manager and can start playing movies again.
It was a long, hot 30 kilometres full of toots, waves and a cheering squad.
Esk Valley is a dust bowl, as winds whip up debris left by Gabrielle.
Winners will be announced at the awards dinner in Christchurch on October 19.
This will be Lyn Mackie's 25th year organising Hastings' favourite parade.
Hawke's Bay Classic Motorcycle Club joins RoadSafe for a family-friendly safety event.
To have your sports club's results published, email them to editorial@chbmail.co.nz.
Bill Bailey is set to bring his new show Thoughtfier to Toitoi in November.
Several fires have been kept under control despite the tricky conditions.
Residents were asked to conserve water while Tararua District Council fixes the issue.
Son plans surprise for parents who were married in Pahiatua 65 years ago.
It raised funds to enable the on-going care of patients and whanau at the hospice.
The seven-strong band has only been playing together since May.
Gusty winds fuel two fires in close proximity after MetService issues wind warnings.
It's the second fatal crash at that location in just 14 months.