'Hero phase': Mental health fallout from cyclone to be felt for years
'What is most important is to keep that strong sense of community.'
'What is most important is to keep that strong sense of community.'
The scale of the disaster took the Red Cross team by surprise.
One of the joys was seeing young opera performers supporting professionals.
A common household item almost spelt disaster at the dump.
Laughter has been one of Cyclone Gabrielle survivor's coping strategies a year on
Photos from the Dannevirke A&P show entertainment.
Shearers race against the clock in fundraiser.
Mixed equestrian event in Dannevirke A&P Show
Patricia Dick can now add a 100th birthday party to her remarkable life story.
'My Red Bands were not enough to walk around in, it was a struggle'.
Sonny Marks was 14 when he died on New Year's Day in 2019.
'Every time it rained I put headphones on and listened to 'Here Comes the Sun'.'
Nūhaka School will be rebuilt after damage from the cyclone revealed hidden issues.
When wild weather hit, generous players swapped their football boots for gumboots.
A neighbour's harrowing account of what happened after Ivy Collins was swept away.
Cyclone Gabrielle forever changed the lives of many in Hawke's Bay a year ago.
Anna McGrath thought she'd lost her daughter after a severe seizure.
Hagen Henare had earlier been involved in kidnapping a woman for a gang boss.
Cyclone survival stories continue to come out - including gratitude for a sinkhole.
Cringeworthy showcases the grooviest music from 1960s New Zealand.
'My father set up this business about 50 years ago and we’re starting from the bottom.'
Here's where you can go to unite and show support a year on from the disaster.
'I was calling them out of sheer panic. They started coming towards my voice.'
Cometh the hour, cometh the generator.
Ana Ransfield received the worst call possible - eight hours too late.
The company behind Nest Fest collapsed, leaving musicians and crews out of pocket.
Wayne Basher spent most of his working time alone in his cab.
It was a big day out at the showgrounds.
Napier Aero Club is gearing up for its biggest Art Deco festival yet.
Campbell Gray was Elite Youth runner-up, beaten by less than a minute.