From "Aunty's Garden" is an exciting section of Tihei Kahungunu, where you can learn some wonderful ideas on how to make a nice meal using food from your garden. Aunty Hanui Lawrence of Waipatu Marae in Hastings will share with us recipes using vegetables from her "Aunty's Garden" all year round. The vegetable of the month is maize corn.
* Fact 1: Maize corn is the staple diet for North and South Americans but it is ours too!
* Fact 2: From saving seeds you can grow your own corn every year.
* Fact 3: Corn grows in all sorts of colours: white, red, yellow, blue/purple, orange and mixed colours. There are two ways we prepare maize corn for the dinner table:
1. Kanga wai is a porridge made from fermented corn kernels, considered a delicacy by many Maori. Some people find the taste hard to acquire.