This was due to the closure of the Napier-Wairoa road after heavy rain on Tuesday night.
Buyers were from Hawke’s Bay with others from Wairarapa and Manawatū.
There were also three buyers on the online Bidr platform.
Cows, calves at foot: All cap stock, D and C Yule, Dartmoor, 30 m/a here, 30 calves, 722kg, 250c/kg, $1805/head; 15 m/a here, 15 calves, 692kg, 248c/kg, $1720/head; 13 m/a here, 13 calves, 702kg, 255c/kg, $1790/head.
Heifers: 2yr, Kennith Farm, Tamumu, 13 ang, 542kg, 309c/kg, $1675/head; Featherstone Trust, Havelock North, nine ang-cross, 578kg, 294c/kg, $1700/head; W Hamlin, Mangatarata, 12 sth dev, 476kg, 300c/kg, $1430/head; five sth dev, 431kg, 292kg, 292c/kg, $1260/head. Yrling, Beckford Holdings, Makaretu, 23 ang, 327kg, 323c/kg, $1060/head; 27 ang, 299kg, 334c/kg, $1000/head; 11 ang-here, 302kg, 323c/kg, $980/head; nine ang, 295kg, 339c/kg, $1000/head; Raukawa Station, Raukawa, 23 ang, 318kg, 331c/kg, $1055/head; J Hamilton, Patangata, 13 ang, 295kg, 330c/kg, $975/head; 12 charo-cross, 313kg, 346c/kg, $1085/head; five ang-cross, 309kg, 299c/kg, $925/head; five crossbred, 316kg, 269c/kg, $850/head; Tapahia Farming, Wanstead, 365kg, 320c/kg, $1170/head; eight ang, 292kg, 335c/kg, $980/head.
Steers: Yrling, Raukawa Station, Raukawa, 14 ang, 332kg, 393c/kg, $1305/head; Gallop Priest P/ship, Taihape Rd, six ayrshire-cross, 375kg, 277c/kg, $1014/head.
Ewes, lambs at foot: HardMaster Farm, Havelock North, five ewes, eight b/f, $61 all counted.
Hoggets: l/t, B and E Tuanui, Whakapirau, 77 c/o, $32; 26 ewe, $131; Stonehenge Trust, Whakapirau, 37 m/s, $116; 10 m/s $89.
Lambs: Mt Erin Station, Middle Rd, 179 m/s, $102.50; 240 m/s, $88; 149 m/s b/f, $79.50; Droxford Farm, Middleton Rd, 142 m/s, $86.50; 156 m/s, $73; Freethlands, Salisbury Rd, 190 m/s, $85; 58 m/s, $74; Girvan Farm, Wanstead, 73 m/s b/f, $108; 119 m/s b/f, $83.50; 130 b/f m/s, $70.50; 49 m/s b/f, $63; Ard Lussa Farm, Waihau, 54 m/s, $67.50; M Johnson, Haumoana, 20 m/s b/f, $99; Stonehenge Trust, Whakapirau, 74 m/s b/f, $114.50; 219 m/s b/f, $79.50; 92 m/s b/f, $72.50.
Prime sale
A good quality yarding of about 330 lambs sold on a solid market on Monday.
Prices, particularly for new-season lambs, were back about $5 on the week before but still up on the last few weeks.
The ewe yarding of about 540 head was of mixed quality and sold accordingly.
Lambs, new season: M/s, $119 to $132. Hoggets, l/t, male: $119 to $157; ewe, $100 to $160; m/s, $148 to $160.50.
Ewes: Woolly, heavy, $117; med, $90; light, $61.50 to $70.50. Slipe, good, $93, $94; med, $75; light/med, $61.50, $66.