Some pens were passed in but other pens, particularly simmental-cross, sold to solid demand.
As usual heavy Angus two-year steers sold well.
Buyers were from Hawke’s Bay with four on Bidr.
Cattle - cows, calves at foot: Davis Livestock, Maraekakaho, 11 ang and ang-cross cows, 12 calves at foot, 568kg, 242c/kg, $1330/head.
Cows, empty: Maaka Farm, Maraetotara, 12 ang and ang-here, 477kg, 312c/kg, $1490/head; nine ang and ang-here, 505kg, 224c/kg, $1135/head; Wairua Dairies, Aorangi, five fries, 431kg, 202c/kg, $870/head; 12 fries, 553kg, 213c/kg, $1180/head.
Steers: 2yr, Mangarouhi Farms, Oueroa, 16 ang, 552kg, 330c/kg, $1825/head; 10 ang, 498kg, 321c/kg, $1600/head; K and M P/ship, Valley Rd, six crossbred, 455kg, 292c/kg, $1330/head; Greville Farms, Waipukurau, nine ang, 418kg, 308c/kg, $1290/head; Kalatahi Crushers, Napier, 28 ang, 486kg, 320c/kg, $1560/head; five ang, 448kg, 327c/kg, $1465/head; Pourerere Station, Pourerere, 30 ang, 529kg, 326c/kg, $1725/head; B Fraser, Lake Rd, 17 ang, 454kg, 324c/kg, $1475/head; Hira Farm, Ridgemount, five ang, 417kg, 299c/kg, $1250/head. Yrling, Aratoro Farm, Ashcott, 30 ang, 386kg, 335c/kg, $1295/head; five charo-cross, 379kg, 369c/kg, $1400/head; Franklin Farming, Waihau, 24 ang, 322kg, 367c/kg, $1185/head; 23 ang, 294kg, 366c/kg, $1080/head; 20 ang, 264kg, 348c/kg, $1000/head; Pokopoko Station, Tuai, 28 simm-cross, 312kg, 349c/kg, $1090/head; seven simm-cross, 265kg, 385c/kg, $1025/head; Hutana Estate, Porangahau, 16 ang, 278kg, 349c/kg, $970/head; nine ang, 238kg, 353c/kg, $840/head; B Styles, Te Aute, eight fries-cross, 279kg, 229c/kg, $640/head; Mangaroa Farm, Mangaroa, 20 here-fries, 328kg,360c/kg, $1185/head; A and C Milligan, Pakipaki, 17 here-fries, 251kg, 382c/kg, $960/head; Stonehenge Trust, Whakapirau, 20 aut-born, ang and ang-here, 236kg, 351c/kg, $830/head; 16 aut-born ang and ang-here, 209kg, 357c/kg, $750/head; A McKinnon, Marumaru, six ang and charo-cross, 246kg, 338c/kg, $835/head.
Bulls: 2yr, Awahuri Pastoral, Ohiti, 22 fries, 538kg, 339c/kg, $1825/head. Yrling, Lynmar Farms, Sherenden, 21 aut-born simm-cross, 325kg, 340c/kg, $1105/head; 16 simm-cross, 281kg, 366c/kg, $1030/head; P and L Hodge, Tuai, 24 ang, 331kg, 366c/kg, $1130/head; nine ang, 271kg, 344c/kg, $935/head; Lemlaire Farm, Waipukurau, eight fries, 274kg, 339c/kg, $930/head.
Heifers: 2yr, Te Ngaio Farm, Porangahau,27 ang, 374kg, 299c/kg, $1120/head; six ang, 341kg, 278c/kg, $950/head. Hira Farm, Ridgemount, eight sth dev-cross, 524kg, 317c/kg, $1665/head; Yrling, Pokopoko Station, Tuai, 21 simm-cross, 280kg, 347c/kg, $975/head; 22 simm-cross, 241kg, 315c/kg, $760/head; P and L Hodge, Tuai, 26 ang, 255kg, 313c/kg, $800/head; Stonehenge Trust, Whakapirau, 26 aut-born ang and ang-here, 212kg, 311c/kg, $660/head; 21 aut-born ang and ang-here, 181kg, $660/head.
Sheep; wes, lambs at foot: Wallace Bright P/ship, Wairoa, 69 ewes, 108 b/f, $82 all counted; 38 ewes, 59 b/f, $78.50; 23 ewes, 24 b/f, $85; G and S Williams, Korokipo, (cap stock) 19 m/a, 25 b/f, $81; 14 m/a, 19 b/f, $81; 12 m/a 17 b/f, $77; O Clarke, Waipukurau, 16 ewes, 25 b/f, $65; R and A Gunson Puketitiri, 3 ewes, 16 lbs, $58; Syrah Orchard, Eskdale, 11 ewes, 15 lbs, $42; H Giddens, Waipawa, four ewes, eight lbs, $61; T Rees Waipukurau, five ewes, eight lbs, $59.50; HardMaster Farming, Havelock North, six ewes, seven lbs, $64.50; R Milner, Swamp Rd, four b/f ewes, nine b/f, $75; HIra Farm, Ridgemount, eight ewes, 11 lbs, $70.
Lambs: G and E Cameron, Chatham Island, 96 m/s, $140; 311 m/s, $132; 91 m/s, $116; Q and T Horler, Chatham Island, 239 weth, $123; Kopi Farm, Chatham Island, 111 m/s, $123.50; 25 m/s, $113; Te Ngaio Farm, Chatham Island, 85 weth, $130.50; 52 male, $111; 76 ewe, $114; B and E Tuanui, Whakapirau, 33 c/o, $144; Belmont Station, Eskdale, 56 c/o, $65; 43 ewe, $62; Tewkesbury, Wallingford, 47 ewe, $76.
Prime sale
Prices at Monday’s sale were a reflection of the quality of the stock on offer.
Better ewes bought up to $150 but anything of lesser quality was discounted.
The lamb yarding of 313 head was of lesser quality than last week which was again reflected in the prices.
Lambs: Male, $128 to $166; ewe, $125 to $160; m/s, $121 to $157.
Ewes: Slipe, good, $125 to $150; med, $102 to $120; light/med, $82 to $96; light, $44.