Buyers were from around Hawke’s Bay with plenty of outside support from Feilding, Rotorua, Palmerston North, Ohakune and Auckland.
Cows, calves at foot: Wrekin Station, Waiwhare, 25 m/a ang, 25 calves, 637kg, 276c/kg, $1760/head.
Steers: 2yr, P K P/ship, Middle Rd, 23 ang, 557kg, 334c/kg, $1865/head; 31 ang, 544kg, 333c/kg, $1815/head; R and H Pastoral, Wanstead, 20 ang, 569kg, 340c/kg, $1940/head; 36 ang, 536kg, 335c/kg, $1800/head; 11 ang-here, 582kg, 333c/kg, $1940/head; nine ang-here, 536kg, 335c/kg, $1800/head; Riverbank Station, Rissington, 40 ang, 543kg, 335c/kg, $190/head; 38 ang, 520kg, 340c/kg, $1770/head; Pourerere Station, Omakere, 24 ang, 543kg, 334c/kg, $1820/head; Dever Family Trust, Waikare, 28 ang, 476kg, 344c/kg, $1640/head; 22 ang, 454kg, 342c/kg, $1555/head; Omakere Station, Omakere, 27 ang, 522kg, 342c/kg, $1790/head; 16 ang, 482kg, 335c/kg, $1620/head; 10 sth dev-cross, 480kg, 323c/kg, $1555/head; Tauroa Farm Trust, Matangi Rd, eight here-fries, 555kg, 315c/kg, $1750/head; six ang, 545kg, 328c/kg, $1795/head; Wynn Lewis Farming, Porangahau, 11 ang, 522kg, 343c/kg, $1790/head; T Marra, Clive, 16 ang, 442kg, 333c/kg, $1475/head; 12 here-fries, 400kg, 326c/kg, $1305/head. Yrling, Mangatapiri Station, Elsthorpe, 35 ang, 377kg, 354c/kg, $1340/head; 30 ang, 355kg, 380c/kg, $1350/head; Maunganui Station, Te Pohue, 41 ang and ang-here, 342kg, 372c/kg, $1275/head; 40 ang, 323kg, 375c/kg, $1215/head; 42 ang, 311kg, 385c/kg, $1200/head; 35 ang, 309kg, 386c/kg, $1195/head; Mahanga Station, Mahanga, 39 ang, 322kg, 381c/kg, $1250/head; Mt Erin Station, Middle Rd, 30 ang, 329kg, 378c/kg, $1250/head; Horoeka Farm, Takapau, 26 ang and ang-here, 317kg, 374c/kg, $1190/head; 14 ang and ang-here, 279kg, 390c/kg, $1090/head; Bain and Blackler P/ship, Kotemaori, seven here-cross, 347kg, 340c/kg, $1180/head; Clifton Station, Clifton, five ang, 299kg, 346c/kg, $1035/head; S Christiansen, Hatuma, eight here-cross, 336kg, 319c/kg, $1075/head.
Bulls: 2yr, Ngamahanga Station, Okawa, 26 simm-cross, 524kg, 341c/kg, $1790/head;26 simm-cross, weight, 508kg, 338c/kg,$1720/head; 34 fries, 501kg, 328c/kg, $1645/head; 26 ang-here, 473kg, 322c/kg, $1525/head; 29 fries, 436kg, 334c/kg, $1460/head. Yrling, Huramua Station, Awamate, eight charo-cross, 293kg, 328c/kg, $965/head.
Heifers: 2yr, Waipoapoa Station, Maraetotara,30 ang, 472kg, 317c/kg, $1500/head; 32 here-cross, 465kg, 317c/kg, $1480/head; 17 ang, 427kg, 312c/kg, $1335/head; five here, 457kg, 299c/kg, $1370/head; Marotane Farm, Mangatarata, 10 ang, 464kg, 303c/kg, $1410/head; 13 ang, 377kg, 291c/kg, $1100/head; Rachan Farm, Salisbury Rd, nine here-cross, 458kg, 309c/kg,$120/head; Potts P/ship, Poukawa, eight here-fries, 487kg, 311c/kg, $1520/head; G and McVicar, Mohaka, five ang, 418kg, 311c/kg,$1300/head; G Hibbs, Porangahau, five here-cross, 483kg, 309c/kg, $1495/head; J Hobson, seven here-fries, 457kg, 301c/kg, $1380/head; C Ireland, St Georges Rd, five here-fries, 419kg, 303c/kg, $1230/head; M and A Bishop, Te Aute Rd, 12 here-fries, 508kg, 310c/kg, $1580/head; N Campbell, Bridge Pa, five ang and spklprk, 426kg, 300c/kg, $1280/head. Yrling, J and N Beeby, Crownthorpe, 19 ang, 297kg, 342c/kg, $1020/head; A and C Milligan, Pakipaki, 14 here-fries, 332kg, 304c/kg, $1010/head; W and M Robinson, Middle Rd, 10 here-fries, 247kg, 340c/kg, $840/head; Clifton Station, Clifton, 10 crossbred, 284kg, 362c/kg, $1030/head; M Walmsley, Stock Rd, six here-fries, 349kg, 329c/kg, $1150/head.
Sheep - hoggets, lambs at foot: Davis Livestock, Maraekakaho, 42 ewe, 47 lbs, $51; all counted; 40 ewes, 46 lbs, $45; 29 ewes, 31 lbs, $48.
Hoggets, lambs’ teeth: B and E Tuanui, Whakapirau, 46 c/o, $121; 57 c/o, $139; 68 ewe, $130; 165 c/o, $123; C Nicholson, Roys Hill, 212 ewe, $128.50; 71 ewe, $117; Stonehenge Trust, Whakapirau, 21 m/s, $120; 90 m/s, $99.
New-season lambs: Lagoon Farm, Ahuriri, 125 m/s, $143.50; 410 m/s, $124.50; 237 m/s, $110; 259 m/s, $100; 186 m/s, $95; 103 m/s, $84.50; Sun Valley Station, Puketapu, 140 m/s, $81; Maraetara Farming Co, Seafield Rd, 366 m/s b/f, $90; 304 m/s b/f, $65.50; Est D B Wilson, Waimarama, 90 m/s b/f, $100; 234 m/s b/f, $70; 197 m/s b/f, $59; Strathclyde Farm, Waimarama, 99m/s b/f, $100; Tiro-moana Farming, Blackhead Rd, 121b ram, $73.50; 131 ewe, $70.50; Paringahau, Station, Matawai, 114 m/s, $90; 398 m/s, $68.50; 216 m/s $56.50; Kahuranaki Station, Middle Rd, 260 m/s b/f, $61.50; Stonehenge Trust, Whakapirau, 41 m/s b/f, $80; Kaiwaka Hawke’s Bay Ltd, 74 m/s b/f, $81; 89 m/s b/f, $61; 32 m/s b/f, $54.50; Seaview Trust, Havelock North, 40 m/s, $101; 49 m/s, $66.
Prime sale
Lamb finishers with contracts to fill and more processing space saw a solid price rise at Monday’s sale.
The best of them, a pen of ewe hoggets with lambs’ teeth, made $184.
New-season lambs also appeared for the first time in the yarding of about 400 head and sold for up to $152.
Most of the offering was ewe lambs.
However, the news was not the same for ewe prices which stayed steady.
Hoggets, lambs’ teeth: Male, $71 to $169; ewe, $140 to $184; m/s, $141 to $155.
New season: M/s, $128 to $152.
Ewes: Slipe, good: $100.50 to $105; med, $67 to $82; light/med, $63, $65; light, $40 to $59.
Shorn, good, $101.50; med, $80 to $85; light/med, $62. Woolly, med, $66.