James Pocock is the chief reporter for the Gisborne Herald.
James always knew he wanted to be a journalist and went straight to university after finishing school. He graduated from Massey University with a Bachelor of Communications majoring in Media Studies and Journalism in 2020 and completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Journalism in 2021. He returned to his home region to write for Hawke's Bay Today. During his time there, he covered breaking news and was on the ground through Cyclone Gabrielle. He also wrote features, with a focus on the environment, local government and post-cyclone issues in the region. In 2024 he moved to Tairāwhiti and became chief reporter for the Gisborne Herald. He has a passion for writing and hearing people's stories, from highlighting local success to battles with bureaucracy, authority, disaster and tragedy. You can contact James at james.pocock@nzme.co.nz.

Police swoop on homeless encampment in Napier, trespass 10 people
The former backpackers site on Marine Parade suffered an extensive fire in 2023.

Regional emissions fall: Cyclone Gabrielle and other factors at play
Hawke’s Bay was one of the 13 regions where emissions fell last year.

'Flawed': $1m pool set aside for thousands of Hawke's Bay residents, but only if they ask for it
Neil Kirton said he would advocate for council to send letters to all affected ratepayers.

'Amalgamation by stealth': Regional deals could reopen Hawke's Bay debate
Hawke's Bay wants a regional deal with the Govt, but is it "amalgamation by stealth"?

Firefighter's warning after acid spill shuts down Hastings road for hours
A 5-litre container of muriatic acid fell off the back of a vehicle and on to the road.

More than 100 people interested in Wairoa flood class action
Lawyer Grant Shand says funding for the Wairoa case is still to be finalised.

'Perfect storm': The multiple origins of a boutique dairy company's closure
'Predatory pricing', customer payment lag, and a rent increase all hit Origin Earth hard.

Lena Ormsby named as one of 25 'changemakers' by YWCA
The high-achieving ex-Karamu High School student is passionate about race relations.

'Really pleased': Hawke's Bay growers welcome raft of RSE scheme changes
An increase to the cap, changes to pay and accommodation costs are among the changes.

Van offering washes for Hawke's Bay's homeless launched
The name of the laundry waka serving Hawke's Bay is 'Piki'.

Neighbours watched 'ball' of flame engulf Napier home
A woman was arrested after the 'well-involved' fire, police inquiries are ongoing.

Don't try this at home: 79-year-old woman's cooking fire warning
Siua Malota threw flour and salt at the flames, and against all odds, the fire went out.

'Absolute nightmare': Parking changes causing issues near Napier school
'There were cars constantly up and down doing u-turns, double parking, it was chaos.'

No plans to trial chemical additives in Hastings to stop hot water cylinder failures
A report last year recommended adding chemicals to water to neutralise the issue.

Restaurant fire at new site weeks after reopening
The cause is understood to be similar to the fire that destroyed the restaurant last year.

Landlord ordered to pay Hawke's Bay cyclone victim $7000 over flood-hit rental dispute
The woman was offered a home, then told to leave after noticing issues on her first day.

'I can walk': Hawke’s Bay boy with cerebral palsy taking first steps after surgery
The community raised over $200,000 for 7-year-old Rocco Green. It's paid off.

Building fire extinguished on rural school grounds with help from public
Members of the public used a hose on the ceiling fire before firefighters arrived.

'It is a treasure': Prolonged closure of hot springs
Supply chain issues and poor weather continue to plague the septic system replacement.

A town reeling: The community fighting to turn around flood-stricken Wairoa
Flooding, climate change and gradual decline in primary industry are hitting Wairoa.

Family of killed toddler say Oranga Tamariki gave them $300 in an envelope
Trish Puna says by the time she found out where Casino was, she was dying in Starship.

Keirunga Park Railway expects to reopen after bridge damage, cause unknown
Hastings District Council said the cause of the damage had not been determined.

Gateway to self-determination: Iwi-led support hub to keep tamariki out of state care opens
Te Ara Mātua Hub in Heretaunga will let whānau to access health, home, and youth support.

'Riddled with deer': Rural group arranges feral deer butchery classes
Solving a problem and getting a feed at the same time

Hawke's Bay Regional Council says growers' call to pause water consents creates environmental risk
Growers warn of harm to the region if a pause on new water consents does not remain.

'I don't have any regrets': Solo mum of quadruplets plus one speaks on life after death of husband
Joanne Wills, mother of quadruplets, is grateful for the support after her husband died.

Private collector donates unique Te Mata Estate Coleraine collection worth thousands
Private donor Stuart Tustin never set out to create one of NZ's rarest wine collections.

Havelock North businesses concerned about road safety during New World build
Business owners in Havelock North are worried about safety and a lack of consultation.

Pre-pay for your GP: Hawke's Bay clinics say lack of funding starting to bite
Tōtara Health and Taradale Medical Centre have called out a lack of Government funding.

Mission accomplished: Winemaker reflects on 45-year career
The mantle of head winemaker at Mission Estate will now pass to Alex Roper.

Cyclist has serious injuries after collision with car in Napier
A cyclist has been seriously injured in a crash on Marine Parade.

What the region wants from $1.2b infrastructure fund
Awatoto flood protection, housing and roads funding, and water security on the wishlist.

Flames and flooding: Wairoa home seriously damaged in fire during storm
No one was home when fire took hold of a home during the flood.

'Opened the door and out came a flood': Suburb has 36 temporary classrooms half a century old
They were intended to last 20 years. But Govt cuts mean they'll have to last even longer.

Timeline of a flood in Wairoa: Why didn't Hawke's Bay Regional Council act sooner?
HBRC staff say river mouth opening would not have stayed in place if it was done earlier

Watch: Seal vs eel caught on a reel
The moment 'really brightened everyone’s day' - apart from the eel's.

The PM wants to double the number of RSE workers - would it help Hawke's Bay?
An industry body is seeking a review of parts of the RSE scheme before any cap increase.

Fun-having Havelock North High School band The Splinters win Hawke's Bay Smokefreerockquest final
The band will go on to submit a video of three songs for a chance at the national finals.

Regional Council agrees to continue to fund tourism, cuts from elsewhere to reduce rates rise
Rates remissions will be available for some of the most impacted ratepayers.

New name for a new era? School considers change to reflect community 'aspirations'
Name change is 'obvious next step' for the school that will soon turn 50, principal says.

'You have to move forward quickly': Teen racing champ Tom Bewley eyeing opportunities over the ditch
The Havelock North local began with karts, but now he is driving something bigger.

Into the arms of her killer: Was OT too quick to place a 19-month-old in a new region?
'She could have stayed with us as long as required ... I can't help thinking, What if?'

Dramatic change: Photos of much-loved but unsafe waterfall shows huge height difference
The area is unsafe due to big damage, slips and tree falls.

'Addiction by design': $11.5m gambled at the pokies in Hawke's Bay in three months
'It is like trying to stop eating chocolate but you have cupboards full of it.'

'Like a phonebook': Residents creating community directory to help emergency communication
A group of women have set out to connect the RD9 District via a community directory.

'Womb-to-tomb learning': Pioneering Māori-immersion school gets multimillion dollar new campus
Many of the staff of this first-of-its-kind immersion school also attended it as kids.

'Don’t take it all on yourself': Hawke's Bay farmers struggling as economic and environmental setbacks collide
Tough economic conditions are compounding with the lasting impact of Cyclone Gabrielle.

NZ Post apologises after dog eats man's incorrectly-delivered passport and visa
'I saw the (courier) package opened, looked at it and my passport was in the dog’s mouth.'

What would a Māori Parliament look like? 2000 strong crowd hear proposed models
The Kotahitanga Movement began in 1892, but this was not history repeating.

Unity at heart of historic hui and rally in Hawke’s Bay
The action coincides with a Te Pāti Māori protest, but organisers say it is separate.

NZ para-taekwondo duty for Hastings coach
The Koryo Taekwondo team took home 41 medals from the Gold Coast Open.

Cyclone survivor Gabrielle Mei, 89, to move back into her destroyed Wairoa house after 15 months
A year and a half on from the devastation of her namesake, Gabrielle Mei can return home.

Police investigate allegations of inappropriate behaviour by school staff member
The school's Board of Trustees has declined to comment, citing a police investigation.

Havelock North ratepayer could pay $700 annually for public transport they don't use
Nearly one-fifth of Greg Reynolds' proposed rates are for public transport he doesn't get.

Of Love We Are Made: Original song wins 11-year-old national prize
Lydia Clark will perform her song with the Auckland Philharmonia in two concerts.

Free shower and laundry charity for Hawke's Bay needs 50 volunteers
A non-profit organisation is expanding in response to growing demand after cyclone.

Young boxers from Samoa and across North Island showcase talent in Hastings
The amateur boxing event featured well-known locals and Samoans near Olympic level.

Rock barrier outside Cape Coast Four Square to deter ram raids
Cape Coast's second rock barrier stops cars, not waves.

Inside bare-knuckle fights: Amid a police crackdown, hopes of fame and fortune remain
What's the first rule of fight club? These guys are breaking it, to plead their case.

'We miss our families': Returning seasonal workers stranded for at least a month
With the closure of Vanuatu Air, these men don't know when they will see their loved ones.

Grille stops attempt at vape store ram raid, two youths in stolen car arrested
Their car smashed through the glass doors. But there was a hidden obstacle behind.

'Catastrophic': 18m-deep gully leaves community on a road to nowhere
Gabrielle wiped out 50m of the main road to Kererū. 15 months later, it's still cut off.

'Caught out': Councillor's surprise at 500 per cent hikes for small number of ratepayers
'We need to look long and hard at our cost structures and what we can do to help.'

Power substation swamped by Cyclone Gabrielle set to be lifted 1.7 metres higher
$35m rebuild to cope with 1-in-450-year floods would be paid for out of power bills.

'Green' firewood sold to unassuming customers; call for industry regulation
'It is up to the Government and the Environment Minister to get going on this.'

'Close the windows': Stink from Hastings business increasing every year, neighbours say
For nearly 60 years it was bearable, neighbours say. Then the fellmongery was expanded.

Double byelection in Hastings: Who are the candidates and what are their priorities?
Some high-profile candidates are pushing for your vote in two Hastings wards.

EuroCity liquidation: 148 creditors want a piece of nearly $1.2 million owed
Creditors include businesses in the auto industry, liquor stores, staff and IRD.

Four-lane Hawke’s Bay Expressway to lose funding if Government axes $6b infrastructure plan
Three major roading projects were set to be funded by the $6b National Resilience Plan.

Insurance premium hikes not all cyclone related
People in parts of Hawke's Bay have seen their insurance premiums go up 60pc this year.

‘They were just laughing’: Man was chased 700m then 'bashed with scooter by youths'
Reece Hingaia went out for a walk to get a pie. He would end up in a critical condition.

Several Havelock North fires suspicious, two youths arrested
Police are investigating other suspicious scrub fires in the area and considering charges.

'It hurts the people who are already grieving': Thousands worth of rebuild material stolen from Hawke's Bay school and pre-school
Nuhaka School and a pre-school on-site have suffered a series of break-ins and thefts.

EuroCity car dealership in voluntary liquidation, owner promises staff will be taken care of
Owner Terry Elmsly says existing staff will be looked after as part of the sale agreement.

'Best practice': Hastings mayor stands by noise restrictions after closure of bar's outdoor stage
The 50-decibel limit has been called into question, but similar policies exist around NZ.

'It is no more': Outdoor music venue mothballed after noise complaint from new hotel
The hotel doesn't want the stage to be shut but the bar owner says he now has no choice.

Loss of Hawke's Bay Tourism funding would be a 'disaster': Black Barn co-owner Kim Thorp
Kim Thorp says the region struggled to promote itself before Hawke's Bay Tourism.

Rural school bus cuts: Residents fear the end of Te Pohue School
Residents of Te Pōhue want more time to present alternatives to the Ministry of Education.