Craig Cooper is editor of the Hawke’s Bay Today
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‘Is this article still available?': How I responded to the scammers on Marketplace
These were fine barstools, but couriering them half a world away seemed a little odd.

Opinion: Buckle up your rainbow-coloured belt
Counter-protesters, the taste of blood-red tomato juice still fresh, turned to Vision NZ.

More 'rogue' politicians needed in Napier
OPINION: They are well-intentioned but do little to rattle political cages or shake trees.

Opinion: We won’t mind if MetService gets it wrong this time
There is nothing like the fear of the unknown to get anxiety simmering away.

Craig Cooper: Symbolism of a cricket match at Treaty grounds
OPINION: The game struggles for diversity, despite being steeped in te ao Māori themes.

Opinion: City of Sails' deluge a wake-up call, again
The recent weather is a telling tale of two flooded cities, Craig Cooper says.

Opinion: People who want to be kind make terrible MPs
In close to two decades as a newspaper editor, I met very few politicians I liked.

Craig Cooper: Share your thoughts before the funeral
Because of work, we learn a lot about people we have never met.

Craig Cooper: As I realised I could drown, nothing was peaceful
Opinion: The water looked inviting. But not when I was in it.

Driving through Waka Kotahi’s scary new world
Opinion: I made some notes after driving Napier to Auckland. One says "catch a plane".

Ask your child what drugs they are taking to summer concerts
Craig Cooper says summer is for living, not dying.

Opinion | Karakia controversy: If you don’t understand tikanga, you can’t be a politician
OPINION: A newly-elected mayor landed with a thump that echoed through the country.

Craig Cooper: Three candidates - which one won't make it in 2023?
Craig Cooper's predictions for Napier and Tukituki in 2023.

Craig Cooper: Is 30 years of Kmart in Hastings something to celebrate?
Who has the money, the time and the ideas to help HDC transform its dying CBD?

Craig Cooper: Napier council's decision to bring in scooters inexplicable
Napier is solving a problem it doesn't have, and creating a fresh problem for locals.

''It's racism evolved directly from the colonialism that hangs over NZ like a bad smell''
A moko kāuae is nothing to be afraid of.

1931 earthquake anniversary: Let's contemplate what a disaster is
It was never a sprint, and hopefully we are cresting a hill in the marathon.

Sometimes the truth doesn't need exaggerating
Most people can muster respect for anti-vax views, if they aren't forced upon you

How does an A&P Society survive in 2021?
Selling land to developers won't fix the challenges A&P societies face.

Miss Information and Dr Google are a bad couple
Let's not stall at the Covid 19 traffic lights.

90% goal getting closer after Hawke's Bay vax surge
Vaccine mandates are activating the fence sitters.

My neighbours were a cannabis dealer, a nurse and the man called Pete
There was a nurse next door, a Black Power house over the road, and a man called Pete

Craig Cooper: Anti-vaxxers are now the enemy - get ready for the battle
OPINION: While shy on detail, Labour has declared anti-vaxxers are the enemy.

Our homeless need an outreach home
It's always been one of life's ironies that no one wants homeless people as neighbours.

Charlie Watts - salt of the earth
Ginger Baker attacked his drum kit. Charlie Watts became one with his.

Opinion: We will be in lockdown next Wednesday
Opinion: We will be in lockdown all of next week - that is certain.

Craig Cooper: Covid case a severe reminder of the fragility of our freedom
Covid case a stark reminder of the fragility of our freedom and the 'impact of Covid'

Commercial demands drive trains schedule, but what about public safety?
KiwiRail is clear that schedules are designed according to freight customer requirements

Labour raises hackles of farmers, cops and nurses
Right now, cops, nurses and farmers aren't too happy with Labour.

Hunt for music royalty
Art and music are a few of my favourite things. Following directions is not.

Who will helm the regional council, now Graham's gone?
With change swirling in environmental sector, a conservative chair selection is likely.

Opinion: A new Dame leads the six proud Hawke's Bay locals honoured
Six Hawke's Bay people recognised in the Queen's Birthday Honours

Three Waters: Historic change is coming
Are Three Water reforms the end of local government as we know it?

Craig Cooper: It's not just our kids who need to learn our history
How do we also educate adults?

Opinion: Number plate debate. If BUT is banned, why not NGR?
If BUT doesn't cut it as a number plate, why should NGR?

Craig Cooper: Low hanging fruit on Hawke's Bay's health reform tree
There is some low hanging fruit from the reform tree that can be harvested in Hawke's Bay

Opinion: Hawke's Bay Cricket Association pads up to ongoing questions over player bans
Like a bouncer to the helmet, HBCA and local cricket has taken a hard knock.

Homework for those in Hawke's Bay red zone
Have you zoned out of an important conversation?

Craig Cooper: Cancelled festival jolt to Hawke's Bay's 'naive complacency'
An 81-year-old Havelock Man's simple idea should be made compulsory.

Opinion: Sever the ties that bind men to Parliament's dress standard
Ties are so 2000s. Throw them out of Parliament.

Napier waking up to flooding aftermath - 2nd wettest day in 150 years
Schools are closed and power out.

Opinion: Have we not learned anything from meth?
Have we learned anything from meth's cancerous erosion of society, asks Craig Cooper.

Lost: In search of triangles on Te Mata tracks
Mutter mutter mutter ... lost on Te Mata

More great whites, or more of us in the water?
Craig Cooper chose to not go back on the water after a shark encounter.

Editorial: Unpleasant truths reflect changing times
Talk to your neighbours, it won't kill you, but it might save them.

Time to regulate Tongariro Crossing
Greater regulation of the Tongariro Alpine Crossing is needed.

A wee bit of wee never hurt anyone, we hope
A wee bit of sewage so far hasn't hurt anyone.

Napier's creaky, leaky stormwater system not unusual
Napier's creaky, leaky stormwater system is not unusual.

Synthetic cannabis blight has moved
Only ripping apart the dealers and sellers will help suburbs like Maraenui.

Death highlights need to talk about depression - so should life
Greg Boyed's death has placed a spotlight on depression.

Telegrams harsh reminder of the reality of war
War means the loss of real lives, not a 100-point bonus in on online game.

Teacher negotiations: It's Labour's move
A starting point of 6.1 per cent for the teachers from the Labour coalition isn't enough.

Outdated practice puts spotlight on early childhood industry
Incident puts spotlight on a fast growing industry.

Surprising survey result for Hawke's Bay
Is data suggesting Hawke's Bay residents are lazy, accurate?

Animosity builds toward boy racers
To solve the 'boy racer' issue we need to understand the problem.

All in all, it's just a 'nother log in the wall
The wall of wood presents many opportunities.

Te Mata track Pakeha-Maori rift starts to heal
There will be a few stumbles on the path to sorting out the Te Mata track saga.

Rid drug cartels and we're left with gangs
Kill the organised criminal snake, and gangs are still left, says Craig Cooper

Robots are coming, but we still need sports and the arts
Sport and performing arts are key to a healthy society.