Andrew Austin is the editor of Hawke's Bay Today
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Editorial: Havelock North key for Yule, Lorck
Lawrence Yule and Anna Lorck both need Havelock North voters to give them the tick to win.

Editorial: Voters need facts before public spending
We should not allow public money to be spent on any large projects without all the facts.

Editorial: Accessibility key to regional growth
We should look into the feasibility of a passenger service between Hastings and Napier.

Andrew Austin: Public has a right to transparency
This newspaper takes its role of keeping our elected officials accountable very seriously.

Editorial: President caught in the middle
You would think that Barack Obama must be counting down the days until his term as United States President comes to an end later this

Editorial: We need clarity on policing
There is no question that Bay people, especially many in Napier, are concerned about policing numbers and deployment in our province. We

Editorial: A young woman's courage
It takes courage for victims of crime to fight back and then to speak out about their ordeal. On Saturday we ran an interview our

Editorial: New chance to shape Bay's future
It is clear that even though a large majority of people have rejected the amalgamation model, there is still a sizeable group who believe things need to be done differently.

Editorial: Housing boom is good news
There is certainly something happening in our housing market and with it starting to heat up, that can only be good for the region.