Latest fromGisborne

Ngā mihi, all the very best

Ngā mihi, all the very best

While tinged with sadness to read that The Gisborne Herald has changed hands, it would not have been a decision taken lightly by Michael Muir and his whānau. I say this having been privileged to work for Michael for 23 years — what a wonderful...

Feedsmart and body scoring
Gisborne Herald

Feedsmart and body scoring

Beef + Lamb New Zealand’s Feedsmart and Body Condition Score workshop is coming up next week and it will be a workshop suited to all farm staff involved with livestock. The workshop is being held on Tuesday, March 19 from 9.30am to 4pm, with lunch...

Better prices for store lambs
Gisborne Herald

Better prices for store lambs

There were 2455 store lambs offered for sale at Matawhero yesterday and most of them had good body size and condition. Consequently, the average sale price paid for the better lambs ranged from $108 down to $83. The best price paid was $108 for 35...

Best pairs to take the track

Best pairs to take the track

Out-of-town racer to compete in 22 race programme that begins at 6pm tomorrow. The Gisborne Speedway Club hosts best pairs night tomorrow and the action will be hot across all classes, with flat track bikes thrown into the mix as well. It will be...

Six clubs to blow out cobwebs

Six clubs to blow out cobwebs

The start of the Poverty Bay club rugby season is only a couple of weeks away and clubs have a great opportunity this weekend to blow away the cobwebs. The annual Ngatapa 15s competition is being held at Paddy’s Park, Patutahi, tomorrow. Six clubs...

Old law forces out quality Ombudsman

Old law forces out quality Ombudsman

The resignation of Peter Boshier from the role of Chief Ombudsman because he turned 72 on Saturday is a loss for the country and shows the nearly 50-year-old legislation covering this key role in government accountability needs updating. Boshier has...

Economic growth looms over climate

Economic growth looms over climate

by Bob Hughes Before the 2023 election, climate activists expected a National, Act and New Zealand First coalition Government to hit the brakes on climate and environmental action. This has now been confirmed. On Friday, RMA Reform Minister Chris...

On a pro-smoking Government . . .

On a pro-smoking Government . . .

If someone had stated that in the 21st Century, Aotearoa New Zealand would have a “pro smoking” Government, the result would be ridicule and incredulity, I would have been wrong, as we now do have that. Bruce Hubbard