Latest fromGisborne

A forgiving, fortunate school . . .

A forgiving, fortunate school . . .

Our principal rocks!On Friday I arrived at school with children upset and traumatised by the vandalism that had taken place overnight. But due to the quick, calming influence of our principal, my children and others got down to a normal school day. As...

Making it ‘Lean’

Making it ‘Lean’

Implementing a series of management principles made famous by the Toyota Motor Company has helped turn an East Coast business into a “lean logging machine”.Since Stubbs Contractors overhauled its traditional business model for a new approach...

Pro Pairs crown to Whiteman, Wright

Pro Pairs crown to Whiteman, Wright

THE top contenders were quick off the mark when 20 teams contested the Women's Pro Pairs at Gisborne Bowling Club at the weekend. Three teams — Kahutia Bowling Club's Glenys Whiteman and Marie Wright, Gisborne's Queenie Takurua and Dayvinia Mills...

More fires in Juken mill machine
Gisborne Herald

More fires in Juken mill machine

FIREFIGHTERS have been called to the Juken New Zealand mill in Macdonald Road twice in the past24 hours to help deal with fires in a plywood processing machine. The third call in five days brought three appliances from Fire and Emergency NZ to the...

Disco no-no

Disco no-no

I started a petition to stop the selling of glow sticks at my school discos, because they are not good for the environment. I think all schools should try to have zero-waste events. It would be good if Gisborne District Council did too. Felix...

Thanks for great show

Thanks for great show

Congratulations to the two members who compiled terrific videos for the heritage meeting last Sunday. Who knew that Gisborne had the first battery electric-operated trams in New Zealand (by Edison). Amazing!Also, the video on the pillboxes built for...

Lightning hits city power
Gisborne Herald

Lightning hits city power

LIGHTNING strikes during a brief electrical storm over the city left hundreds of people without power for about 10 minutes on Saturday, but the show still went on at the Gisborne Unity Theatre. The storm arrived on cue at about 4pm, coinciding with...

Success for Quilter, Dawson

Success for Quilter, Dawson

GISBORNE surf lifesavers Laura Quilter and Chris Dawson have had a successful two days competing at the Orange Cup pool competition in the Netherlands. Wainui club member Quilter finished in the top three in all four of her individual races, taking...

Torrential totals
Gisborne Herald

Torrential totals

Parts of the Gisborne-East Cape district have had more rain in the past seven months than they normally get in a year. The excess rain, and the erodible, sedimentary geology of the region explain why so many roads have been damaged, particularly in...

Making America Grate Again

Making America Grate Again

The “security crisis” at the United States-Mexico border is a political creation that played a big part in President Donald Trump’s election victory, and continues to energise his base — particularly through the constant coverage Fox News...

From Tolaga Bay to Brazil games

From Tolaga Bay to Brazil games

A GROUP of Tolaga Bay students will wear the silver fern today as they head off to Brazil for the first World Indigenous Games. The games involve more than 30 countries. Participants will compete in a variety of sporting events ranging from a few...

Cross-country course presents challenges

Cross-country course presents challenges

“FRISKY bulls” prompted a course change that meant records were not on the line in the junior and senior races of the Gisborne Boys’ High School cross-country on Tuesday. But organisers and runners were pleased to be back on the school’s...

It’s OBM and Waikohu

It’s OBM and Waikohu

RUGBY - OBM and Waikohu will face each other for the Lee Bros Shield after they convincingly beat their opponents on Saturday. The wet conditions evened the playing field for the two semifinal games, and OBM beat YMP 36-10 and Waikohu beat Ngatap...

April sun in Gisborne
Gisborne Herald

April sun in Gisborne

Despite recent rain, the area around Gisborne remains in soil moisture deficit and follows one of the driest Aprils in the past 115 years. Climate records held by the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (Niwa) show it was the sixth...

Focus on preventing tragic deaths

Focus on preventing tragic deaths

There are a number of figures that we should keep in our minds if we want to avoid being thrown into a panic by doomsayers. They are broad, approximate figures and I sometimes round them up or down a bit to make them easy to remember, but they are...

Hello from Toko
Gisborne Herald

Hello from Toko

More of Tairawhiti’s tourism attractions, and down-to-earth residents, will be encouraging overseas tourists to come here — and the way is open for the whole district to join in. A year-long Tourism New Zealand campaign went live in Australia on...

Until utopia arrives

Until utopia arrives

Thank you Heather Marion Smith for your reply of August 18. The lesson in economics is duly noted but until that utopia of plentiful money for pest control arrives, aerial 1080 is the best method available for large-scale ecological restoration of...