Latest fromGisborne

Who’s who of ministock talent

Who’s who of ministock talent

More than 60 young drivers will be in the starter’s hands tomorrow night in the Heavy Equipment Services Eastland Ministocks 100. Dirt bike racers from Gisborne Motorcycle Sports Club will also hit the banked track as part of the support...

Goes back to appointments

Goes back to appointments

The commentary surrounding Eastland Group's CEO salary rather begs the question of who is responsible and what can be done about it. Look at the Auckland City Council (ACC), by way of comparison. The ACC has a budget of $31.8 billion over 10 years...

Green Machine win turf thriller

Green Machine win turf thriller

THE Green Machine produced the result of the weekend in hockey, ending the unbeaten run of YMP (1) in a hard-fought contest at Harry Barker Reserve. INA Contracting GMC Green won the top-of-the-table premier women's contest 2-1 in a thriller on the...

So, where is the justice?

So, where is the justice?

Re: Explicit details of sex life exposed in trial, August 15 story. What is wrong with our justice system? A man attempts to rape a woman, she presses charges, he hires a high-priced lawyer. The complainant ends up being torn to shreds on the stand...

Man feared drowned is alive
Gisborne Herald

Man feared drowned is alive

UPDATED Saturday July 15:A GISBORNE man feared drowned in the Wairoa River and subject of an intensive six-day search is alive and well, and now wanted by police. Ray Taunoa, 54, drove off after police tried to stop him in Wairoa in the early hours...

Students design their own sign
Gisborne Herald

Students design their own sign

By the time Makaraka School students put in their latest application for a grant from the Enviroschools Eastland Port Action Fund, they had already put a huge effort into earning it. When students spotted a problem with the adjacent bike track that...

Local sports news in brief

Local sports news in brief

Eastland Masters won both their ties in the North Island Regional Masters northern region Division 3 badminton competition in Rotorua on Saturday. They defeated Waitakere (4) 8 matches to 4 and Auckland (3) 7 matches to 5. Drivers had a chance to blow...

Tessa takes route 66 to Bay course record

Tessa takes route 66 to Bay course record

IF Tessa McDonald needed extra motivation heading into the women's national interprovincial in Auckland, Saturday's round on her home track was the perfect injection . . . a course record. The No. 1 women's golfer in Hawke's Bay-Poverty Bay shot...

Painting it black at Miharo

Painting it black at Miharo

With its turn-over of works by an eclectic range of artists, central city location and high traffic flow, the Miharo gallery is all about freshness — and nothing gets fresher than wet paint. Wet Paint is the name of a new concept to come out of...

Tie-breaker needed to decide final

Tie-breaker needed to decide final

SOFTBALLSCORPIONS needed an eighth-inning tie-breaker to beat TWK Rams 8-7 in the final of the Reid Reihana Memorial Tournament for Tairawhiti men’s softball teams. The scores were tied 6-6 at the end of the regulation seven innings. Rovers won the...

Training day
Gisborne Herald

Training day

Former Lions governors from around New Zealand enjoyed a visit to Gisborne and finding out about the Gisborne club's work with Gisborne City Vintage Rail. The group enjoyed a morning tea on a carriage of the Wa165 steam train and saw some...

Making mark on mats and track

Making mark on mats and track

GISBORNE students are making their mark on the mats, while a Campion College BMX rider has tasted bronze success at the AIMS Games International Sporting Championships in the Bay of Plenty. Twelve Gisborne students have advanced to post-section play...

Our food system workers are heroes too

Our food system workers are heroes too

Like healthcare workers, food system workers have been the frontline heroes throughout the fight against Covid-19. While food producers, manufacturers and distributers have been acknowledged as essential businesses, those physically in the harvesting...

Picture postcard
Gisborne Herald

Picture postcard

Campion College student Angela Gibson Sam spent a whole year painting a wall of Maurice Allan's house in Lytton West. It wasn't just any old paint job though — she copied an image from a postcard on to the blank wall. She started the mural as an art...

Set to be one of the best so far

Set to be one of the best so far

NETBALLONE of the matches of the season so far — that’s the game between High School Old Girls and Whangara Old Girls at the YMCA tomorrow night. Taste One HSOG have emerged as title contenders after steadily improving in Pak’nSave premier...

On the return of rail to Gisborne

On the return of rail to Gisborne

The time has come for the people of Gisborne, and its council, to back the re-instatement of the railway line. The current Government would give this a fair hearing and have indicated that. The case is good. Transport in the region is difficult...