Latest fromGisborne

Golf roundup

Golf roundup

Electrinet ParkRODNEY Moore and Mihi Marino made it three Lunken Cup mixed pairs foursomes titles in four years on Sunday. The Moore/Marino combo defended the title with a net 70, with Anthony Pahia and Wiki Morrissey and Pete Stewart and Tracey Ford...

A matter of faith — and politics

A matter of faith — and politics

I have just watched John Kasich’s speech as he announced his withdrawal from the US Republican race for the presidential nomination. It was, for me, at the same time one of the most inspiring, gracious and yet sad experiences of recent times. Here...

H. Biden scandal censored

H. Biden scandal censored

In the interests of journalistic integrity, I think The Gisborne Herald should do an editorial on the outrageous avoidance of any reference by the American media to the Hunter Biden scandal, especially the censoring of the New York Post story by...

Battle over lake building
Gisborne Herald

Battle over lake building

THE former visitor centre at Lake Waikaremoana has sparked further dispute. Advocates claim the Crown is demolishing it by neglect, and local Maori are threatening to occupy it. The construction of the new visitor centre, Te Wharehou o Waikaremoan...

‘Words were twisted’
Gisborne Herald

‘Words were twisted’

Gisborne district councillor Malcolm MacLean denies he said “not enough Maori were killed” in an overheard conversation, but fellow councillor Meredith Akuhata-Brown is adamant she heard those words. Their conflicting comments came as the council...

Gig Guide listings this week, July 19

Gig Guide listings this week, July 19

One One One from TaurangaCosmopolitan Club, tomorrow. TRAMPSMusic, poetry and song. All welcome to the fortnightly event at the Band Room, Childers Road, July 21, (2pm).COMING UPThe WizRSA, July 27 (7pm).Smash Winter SeshIncludes Bloodnut, Dick...

Time for a beach warden

Time for a beach warden

It would appear that our “Please do not dump your rubbish on the beach” policy is not working. On a recent morning ride taking in the stunning scenery of one of the best beaches in the world, I was left bewildered by the number of rubbish bags...

Extra mile, disaster averted

Extra mile, disaster averted

A big shout out to Maggs and Max of the Gisborne Fire Service. Many thanks for going that extra mile. What could have been a disaster was averted thanks to you both. You all do a wonderful job, especially in this hot climate with all your full gear...

Man's crimes distilled in court
Gisborne Herald

Man's crimes distilled in court

A CASH-strapped Oxford Street man peddled his home-brewed spirits to neighbours, vagrants and alcoholics in exchange for money or valuables, Gisborne District Court heard. He was not licensed to sell the alcohol, which was often as concentrated as...

Madame President of lawn bowls

Madame President of lawn bowls

HISTORICALLY reserved for kings and aristocracy, lawn bowls has spent the last decade lowering the final drawbridge in removing gender separation from the sport. During her 30-year bowling career, Carol Hawes, the first female president of Gisborne...

Gisborne Herald


A special award for “epic drops”, the name for the aerial artist's plummet while spinning at speed in an unravelling length of silk, went to 16-year-old Lani Crick at the inaugural New Zealand Aerial Youth Championships on Saturday. Coached by...

Seven days in berlin

Seven days in berlin

An invitation from Wales took Mary-Jane Richmond across the world to Germany. She writes about her first few days in Berlin. The email dropped into my mailbox on May 9. It was from Wales, an invitation from composer Sir Karl Jenkins to join a world...

Successful Fieldays
Gisborne Herald

Successful Fieldays

Fieldays was another big success this year with a total 128,747 visitors through the gates across the event, and there were 1067 exhibitors across 1559 sites, from 11 different countries. More than 860 school-leaver-aged students from 41 schools took...

Collision at sea
Gisborne Herald

Collision at sea

The skipper of a commercial fishing vessel has been fined $4500 for inattention at sea, causing a collision between his boat and a recreational craft. Antony Andrew Hodgson, 46, was sentenced by Judge Allan Roberts in Gisborne District Court. The...

Gardens look great

Gardens look great

Big thanks to the gardeners who have the city gardens looking so beautiful for the summer season. It’s an unusually long planted median strip and it’s looking great, as are the planters and roundabouts. It takes planning to be able to have...

Ready to rock

Ready to rock

Rock ‘n' roll icons The Narcs are set to create musical pandemonium when they reach Gisborne in November. The three-piece band will be playing some of their earlier sensations such as Heart and Soul (Remake), No Turning Back and Stay Away, among...

Sports draws

Sports draws

CyclingGisborne Cycling Club eventsSaturday, GCC Saturday Spring Series, Race 2 —Sign-on: 1.30pm to 1.50pm at Bushmere Arms. Start: 2pm. Handicap race (45 kilometres): Waingake course. Marshals: Rowan Clark, Barry McLaughlin. Tuesday, Avantiplus...

Arrests over death of toddler
Gisborne Herald

Arrests over death of toddler

Police have arrested and charged two people over the death of a Gisborne toddler in January of this year. A homicide investigation began shortly after 19-month-old Casino Ataria-Wharehinga died in Starship hospital on January 10.A spokesperson for...

GGHS, Ngatapa staying put

GGHS, Ngatapa staying put

THE make-up of the Gisborne premier grade netball competition remains unchanged from last year after Gisborne Girls’ High Senior A and Farmlands Ngatapa saw off A-grade challengers on Saturday. Following midweek wins over A-grade sides Taiki and...