Latest fromGisborne

Bridge results

Bridge results

TUESDAY, February 7 — Summer Pairs 2 (Howell movement): Elizabeth Jackson/Carolyn McMurray 61.67; Helen Kerisome/Pippa Williams 59.58; Joy Marden/Yvonne Key 57.92; Jean Bennett/Robin Bennett 54.17. WEDNESDAY, February 8 — Summer Pairs...

Workshop postponed
Gisborne Herald

Workshop postponed

Business Leaders' Health and Safety Forum executive director Francois Barton's talk on mental wellbeing in the workplace has been cancelled due to Covid-19. The event, organised by Gisborne Chamber of Commerce, was to be held at Wainui Surf Life...

Who pays for rail crossing repair?
Gisborne Herald

Who pays for rail crossing repair?

GISBORNE ratepayers are likely to end up footing the bill to repair a railway crossing that one councillor believes should be funded by money from the tourism industry. Gisborne District Council’s infrastructure service committee last week agreed...

Advocating for the GWP* metric

Advocating for the GWP* metric

The outgoing, council-going Federated Farmers branch president and vice-president have both now responded to the editorial last Thursday which questioned what science it was that the farmer lobby group was basing its position around biogenic methane...

A passion for ‘nature play’

A passion for ‘nature play’

We are two Christchurch mums who both started our businesses recently, and are passionate about getting children outdoors and connecting with nature. We are bringing a film to Gisborne called NaturePlay — Take Childhood Back, which will screen at...

New playground for Planet Sunshine
Gisborne Herald

New playground for Planet Sunshine

Keyan Summerlee, Freya Dowding, Gianina Camero, Indie Wolfe, Angus Wolfe and Santino Camero are the youngsters opening the refurbished playground at Gisborne Hospital's Whetu Ao Rawhiti Planet Sunshine. Giving them a helping hand is registered nurse...

Gisborne district bridge results

Gisborne district bridge results

MONDAY, April 9 — Harcourts Vicki Taylor Pairs 2North/South East/WestRaewynne Cook/Trish Corson 61.01 Jean Turnbull/Caroline Taylor 60.71Linda White/John Rouse 54.17 Bette Parker/Carolyn McMurray 59.82Glenys Evans/Hans van der Kuijl 53.87 Pamel...

Decades of dedication

Decades of dedication

A wheelchair is often a sign of disability, but in Gainor Newman's classroom it is anything but. With her new korowai draped around her shoulder, Gainor cuts a regal figure. A teacher at Kaiti School for 34 years she has seen five principals and has...

Caring for livestock during winter
Gisborne Herald

Caring for livestock during winter

WINTER has started to make its presence more widely felt around the country and the Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI) has reminded pastoral livestock farmers of their animal welfare responsibilities.“This time of year can be challenging for...

Traffic using new Motu Bridge now
Gisborne Herald

Traffic using new Motu Bridge now

The new Motu Bridge on State Highway 2 west of Matawai had traffic travelling over it last week and the $6.5 million project remains on track to be fully completed shortly. Construction of the new bridge started in October 2016. The old Motu Bridge...

Ten years of Tauawhi
Gisborne Herald

Ten years of Tauawhi

Supporters of Tauawhi Men's Centre marked its 10-year milestone with a celebration yesterday at Te Wananga o Aotearoa's Whirikoka campus.“It was a great day for us to acknowledge those who have supported us over the last 10 years and some of the...

Horsing around
Gisborne Herald

Horsing around

The Pine Hollow Riding School Holiday Programme in Te Karaka runs Monday to Friday with about 20 keen horse-riders of all ages and abilities coming together to enjoy all things equine. Owner Jacquie Paull says a typical day will start with the riders...

Great start at Matawhero
Gisborne Herald

Great start at Matawhero

The Ewe Fair on Wednesday produced a strong start to the sales year at the Matawhero saleyards. All 7347 mums on offer sold and for good prices. The top dollar was paid for a line of two-tooth Romneys from the Hains at Pehiri, at $266 a head, with...

Have pride

Have pride

Another Kaiti Mall? I’m afraid so. The area around the Lytton West shops has become untidy and dirty. The public toilets are disgusting. It takes just a few to use and abuse a public place, which is not fair on those of us who take pride in our...

Very much work in progress

Very much work in progress

Re: Reality that swift action is needed, July 31 editorial. Noted, but:1. No specific suggestions proposed on how the Government takes the people with it to cut emissions. 2. The Paris accord exhorts the signatories to adapt to the adverse impacts of...

Eye on city centre

Eye on city centre

A City Centre Spatial Framework made public last week identifies a need and opportunities for residential intensification around the city centre, and deficiencies that include a lack of mature vegetation, places for children, all-weather/paved...

Kaupapa maori
Gisborne Herald

Kaupapa maori

Turanganui Schools Maori Cultural Festival came to a close yesterday after thousands of children from across Tairawhiti took centre stage to show off their waiata and haka skills. The week-long festival featured kapa haka groups from early childcare...

100 jobs on the line in Gisborne
Gisborne Herald

100 jobs on the line in Gisborne

UP TO 100 jobs in Gisborne could go as the wood processing company JNL begins consulting on a proposal to nearly halve its workforce at its mill here.“Although this is a proposal for consultation at this stage we all know that companies don’t...

Man burned in gas heater fire
Gisborne Herald

Man burned in gas heater fire

A man was taken to Gisborne Hospital with burns last night after a portable gas heater caught fire in a flat at a property in Rutene Road. Fire and Emergency NZ were called to the property just after 8pm.“The fire started at the back of the gas...

Rocky road ahead for housing, water

Rocky road ahead for housing, water

It has been a big week for the Government, with the relaunch of its disastrous KiwiBuild scheme and the announcement of its plan to restore the country’s rivers, lakes and wetlands. Both projects, however, face challenges and...

Never too old to skate

Never too old to skate

As someone who hadn't skateboarded since he was a teenager, I took it up again in my early 50s for the exercise. I'm now 60. Gizzy is great for skating — dead flat, good roads and good walkways. The thing that pisses me off is the number of times...

Five bundles of joy 60 years on
Gisborne Herald

Five bundles of joy 60 years on

Five members of a prominent Gisborne family — three siblings and two of their cousins — last week celebrated a two-day period when all of them were 60 years of age. Although they could not get everyone together for a photo, the Parker family —...

SSE say thank you for the help
Gisborne Herald

SSE say thank you for the help

JUST days after foregoing Australia Day celebrations in favour of ensuring smooth going for motorists on East Coast roads, bosses of the Victoria-based roading company Services South East (SSE) are giving the district a big tick. Since SSE was...