Latest fromGisborne

A watchmaker’s history . . .

A watchmaker’s history . . .

A book review — Hands of Time by Rebecca Struthers. This might seem a “dusty” subject but is extremely interesting, on a few fronts. The author has a Ph. D in antiquarian horology. The history of timepieces is covered, including...

Call for slash clean-up help
Gisborne Herald

Call for slash clean-up help

Gisborne District Council is asking anyone in Tairāwhiti with the capacity, capability, and the right equipment to get large woody debris out of the region’s waterways to get in touch, and soon. Chief executive Nedine Thatcher Swann said...

Looking ahead to a warm wet June
Gisborne Herald

Looking ahead to a warm wet June

Looks like it is going to stay soggy underfoot, if MetService’s latest monthly outlook is anything to go by. The official weather agency is forecasting a “stormy and unsettled June”, with it being wetter than usual in many places. MetService...

What's on in Gizzy

What's on in Gizzy

This Week ■ Thursday Build-a-Band Smash Palace Bar, 24 Banks St, 7pm-11pm, free entry. ■ Friday Night Karaoke Breakers Jandal Bar, from 8pm to midnight, free entry. ■ NZ Highwaymen War Memorial Theatre, Thursday, June 1. Four of NZ’s...

Gisborne Film Guide

Gisborne Film Guide

Odeon Multiplex Bank of Dave Dave Fishwick, a Burnley working-class, self-made millionaire, struggles to set up a community bank to help the town’s local businesses thrive. To do so, he must battle London’s elite financial institutions and...

Leppänen recreates Baroque classics

Leppänen recreates Baroque classics

Experience the magic of Baroque music in Gisborne as iconic concertmaster Vesa-Matti Leppänen leads the Baroque Innovations Tour this month. The tour is organised by New Zealand Symphony Orchestra and arrives at the War Memorial Theatre with its...

Guilty plea after baby nearly died
Gisborne Herald

Guilty plea after baby nearly died

A Gisborne man has pleaded guilty to causing grievous bodily harm to an infant. The baby boy’s injuries were so severe, doctors did not expect him to survive. He now has extreme and permanent brain damage. For legal reasons, the man responsible...

Environment nurtured at Turihaua
Gisborne Herald

Environment nurtured at Turihaua

award-winning farmers Paul and Sarah Williams are farming for today with a keen eye to the future to ensure the cherished land at Turihaua is in the best possible shape for future generations. With three of their own children, they know only too...

Connecting farms to classrooms
Gisborne Herald

Connecting farms to classrooms

Marie Burke has a dream to see Farmer Time as a regular part of children’s education across the land and she is constantly moving closer to making that a reality. She’s thriving as the national coordinator for the programme that connects farmers...

Guardians of the whenua
Gisborne Herald

Guardians of the whenua

There’s more than just growing top crops going on at the Wi Pere Trust. The finalists in the Ahuwhenua Trophy —Excellence in Māori Horticulture are equally about their people, future generations and kaitiakitanga. It’s the guardianship and...

Sports draws

Sports draws

Hockey Poverty Bay club hockey, Intermediate — Tuesday (June 6), 4pm: Gisborne Intermediate Wha v TKKM Whatatutu; Gis Int Toru v Campion Mackillop. 4.40pm: Ilminster Kea v Ilminster Weka; Kaiti Toa v Gis Int Ono. 5.20pm: Patutahi Taiohi v Gis Int...

Electrinet Park reign supreme

Electrinet Park reign supreme

No champagne cork-popping jubilation. No Viking-like bellows of victory. No changing shed roof-raising team chants. Electrinet Park (1)’s successful defence of the Oligoi Jug men’s interclub pennants title on Sunday was marked with reflection...