Latest fromGisborne

Future leadership prospect no longer

Future leadership prospect no longer

The Government has jettisoned a capable and hard-working minister with a major blindspot for conflicts of interest, after it emerged that Michael Wood had more undeclared shareholding interests in areas that clashed with his portfolios. Prime...

Enriched by depth of knowledge, wisdom

Enriched by depth of knowledge, wisdom

E nga whānau and community of the Tairāwhiti region. Ka nui te mihi ki a koutou kua tauawhi ki a matau whanau, ahakoa nga piki me nga heke ka titiro angawhakamua matau. As the former Race Relations Commissioner, I want to express my heartfelt...

Playing in any weather

Playing in any weather

It is winter and we expect rain but it's been a ridiculous year weather-wise, which continued on Gisborne sports fields over the weekend. The Ngatapa-OBM Poverty Bay Premier club rugby game at Patutahi's Paddy Park turned into a mudbath, with...



All games on Saturday — First Kicks 4v4, Watson Park, 8.30am: 5, Te Hapara Toru v Central Tahi; 6, Wainui Crays v Awapuni Black; 7, Wainui Paua v Te Wharau Kereru; 8, Wainui Kina v Te Wharau Kiwi; 9, Wainui Mussels v St Mary’s Asteroids; 10...

Swann pairs glory to Berry, Thompson

Swann pairs glory to Berry, Thompson

SNOOKER John Berry and Phil Thompson topped a nine-strong field to win the Cosmopolitan Snooker Club’s Ray Swann Championship Pairs last weekend. There were some good combinations which made for a well contested competition. Those to make it to...



POVERTY BAY Phil Allan didn’t know he and partner Chris Shaw were the No. 1 seeds for the 2023 Gisborne Motors Barns-Graham Cup men’s pairs until told three days after qualification. “What? Top qualifiers? How’s that, eh?” the scaffolding...

Pool closed until Saturday
Gisborne Herald

Pool closed until Saturday

The latest pool closure at the Olympic Pool complex has now been extended to include Friday due to continuing issues with wood chip for the complex’s boiler. Pool management said in an email to regular users yesterday that they hope to re-open on...

Circuit fault dims lights
Gisborne Herald

Circuit fault dims lights

The city end of Aberdeen and Palmerston roads, along with sections of Berry, Disraeli and Cobden streets have been without street lighting for the several nights this week. A council spokesperson said Electrinet has told them that there was a large...