Latest fromGisborne

Hangaroa hanging on
Gisborne Herald

Hangaroa hanging on

Hangaroa residents are on high alert after rain continues to pelt down across the region. Resident Alex Campbell said the continuous downpour had caused the road passing through the Hangaroa Bluffs to be closed due to slips at the entrance. “The...

Slips and flooding on rural roads
Gisborne Herald

Slips and flooding on rural roads

Gisborne District Council put out a list of road closures yesterday afternoon for the Waipaoa and Hikurangi networks due to the latest heavy rain, after advice from their contractors. Waipaoa Lavenham Road, flooding Hihiroroa Road South 4-9km mark -...

Weather delays Angus Bull Week
Gisborne Herald

Weather delays Angus Bull Week

The East Coast Angus Association made the decision yesterday to postpone all the Angus rising two-year-old bull sales for a week, because of the bad weather. The sales were to have started yesterday at Ratanui Angus at Tuai, with that sale postponed...

Passion for stock shines through

Passion for stock shines through

The rising two-year-old bull sale season was to culminate next week with the annual East Coast Angus Bull Week but has been postponed a week due to the latest heavy rains. Regardless of the slight delay watching proceedings closely will be PGG...



The Herald’s Wynsley Wrigley looks at Lissa Mitchell’s gloriously illustrated publication entitled Through Shaded Glass — Women and Photography in Aotearoa New Zealand 1860 –1960. This article concentrates on the chapter about Gisborne...

Awestruck in Agra

Awestruck in Agra

Preeti Maheshwari and her family conclude their Indian holiday at one of the seven wonders of the world. If you have a penchant for romancing with ruins and reliving the life of royalty, then Agra is the place to visit. Agra is home to arguably one...

Pasta and pesto: a winning combo

Pasta and pesto: a winning combo

In the colder months, pasta is a welcome staple in most Kiwi households because it can both fill the whānau up and warm them up. And simply adding some of your favourite pesto to your pasta of choice can give it a real flavour boost . . . Pesto and...

Rehabilitating a flooded garden

Rehabilitating a flooded garden

Excess of anything is bad. Floods and long-standing water can be devastating to a garden. So, if you have had heavy rain for an extended period, or have experienced a flood, there are things you can do to help your garden recover. After a flood, the...

Iran makes deals

Iran makes deals

I believe the (Iranian) regime will fall within a couple of years,” said Mohsen Sazegara. “It’s very different from three years ago, when they suppressed demonstrations Gwynne Dyer in just five days. And the movement is spread all around the...

Red warning as the rain keeps coming

Red warning as the rain keeps coming

A record wet first half of the year for this region is getting wetter and while everyone is well and truly over the continual rain, hearts are again going out to those most affected — especially the people of Te Karaka who were evacuating their...

A local link to assault at protest?

A local link to assault at protest?

Re: Pensioner bashed at Posie Parker protest. The 71-year-old woman is upset to hear the 20-year-old man who attacked her from behind with a blow to the head, then threw punches to her face, has been granted diversion and name suppression. He was...

Nga tohu reo rua — bilingual signs

Nga tohu reo rua — bilingual signs

Clive e hoa, Whitu tekau ma toru ōku tau. He Pakeha ahau. Kei te ako ahau i te reo Māori. Ki tāku whakaaro ko tāku kawenga i raro i Te Tiriti. Kei te pirangi au ki te mōhio ki ngā korero kei muri i ngā ingoa Māori o ngā wāhi. Ma te mōhio...

Mail delivery problems . . .

Mail delivery problems . . .

What is happening to New Zealand Post? It seems ironic that NZ Post will increase the cost of postage on July 1, yet have such poor service for mail delivery — one wonders how they can justify it. I ordered stamps from the stamp and collectable...

Bragging rights as Hicks Bay conquer Hiku

Bragging rights as Hicks Bay conquer Hiku

Understatement has its nuances. Rugby people aren’t in the habit of blowing their own trumpet but Hicks Bay’s 21-12 away win against Hikurangi Te Maunga to claim the Pirika Frederick William Huriwai-Jones Memorial Trophy at Kahuitara is worth...

Women’s competition splits in two

Women’s competition splits in two

The weather looks set to produce additional challenges in tonight’s Poverty Bay club hockey games at Harry Barker Reserve, particularly for the Masters and Waituhi. YMP A and B men got the weekend under way last night on the Hain Farming Turf...

Skipper Skudz to rack up 150th

Skipper Skudz to rack up 150th

IF Poverty Bay Premier club rugby gets the go-ahead on the district’s rain-hammered grounds tomorrow, competition leaders YMP will celebrate another milestone. Week 10 — the last games of Round 2 of the Civil Project Solutions Premier...

Help needed to remove ring
Gisborne Herald

Help needed to remove ring

An elderly woman was rushed into the city fire station yesterday afternoon in pain and distressed, unable to remove a ring from her ring finger. A friend took the woman, whose finger was badly swollen, to the Fire and Emergency station at around...

Bull sale postponed
Gisborne Herald

Bull sale postponed

The wet weather has forced the postponement of the first of the Angus rising two-year-old bull sales in the region this season. Ratanui Angus at Tuai were to have started the ball, or should that be bull, rolling this afternoon. But it has been...